Friday, October 24, 2008

Blog Followers, Groupies, Cult Members, Fans - It's All The Same

So admit it. You're in love with me. Did you know that I just added the Google "followers" widget thing to my blog? Go ahead, take a look at the sidebar on the right. Feel free to add me as one of the blogs you follow because not only will it tell me that you love me but when people click on your avatar?...that's right, they'll be coming right on over to YOUR blog. From my blog! The latest follower is the lovely Miss Catherine. Check out her new blog and help her pick a Halloween costume.

And don't get all nervous, just because you'll be labeled a follower doesn't mean you're in a cult. That comes much later. And it won't cost you a single penny. It's just my way of saying...I love you.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I was already your follower even before you added the widget. THAT'S how much of a loyal cult member I am.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Avatar. Isn't that a Rock Star?

Happy Friday!!

- Jennifer

BeckEye said...

I don't get this whole "blogs I follow" thing. Isn't it enough that I already have everyone listed in my blogroll? Now I have one more thing I have to keep track of and worry about hurting someone's feelings if I forget to add someone?? When did blogging become such hard work? Will everyone's blogs eventually just be a bunch of links to everyone else's blogs, which are, in turn, solely links to other blogs?

Hmm, that might actually not be such hard work. Less writing involved.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm medicated. I need to go back to bed now.

Dr Zibbs said...

SOMEONE HELP ME - For any of you computer nerds out there, why do some blogs have a "view all" tab below the followers widget but mine has the word "Manage"? - which means that readers can't see all of the followers from the home page. Thanks.

Dr Zibbs said...

Beckeye, I think it's easier than a blogroll because people can choose to be on it and you don't have to manage it. NOW you can go back to bed.

Bizarro said...

Readers of this blog beware! Followers are you? Cult is right. Zibbs has spoken of getting bloggers together for a "drink" - or does he really mean mass suicide? Why the Kool-Aid image? Dare I say Jim Jones? Perhaps cannabalism is up Zibbs' sleeve. Ask yourself what that Kool-Aid guy is about to drink and serve to others? A little creepy?

Michelle said...

I am your follower Dr Z!!!

Michelle said...

I am your follower Dr Z!!!

Gwen said...

We all see "View All" under your followers but you will see "Manage" because it's your blog, you're the administrator.

I hate to say this, but I agree with Bizarro Zibbs on this one. It's getting a little creepy around here; I'm wondering if that odd sensation I have is Stockholm Syndrome.

Dr Zibbs said...

Thanks Michele J and thanks Gwen for the help. I be stupid.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I'll admit it-I like you a REAL lot but love is a strong word-we hardly know each other, but there's always hope. You can start by showing me some love today and comment on my blog-I need a man's opinion.
Its a good thing your blog is anonymous-look at all those lovely lady followers! How very Hef-esque of you. What would your wife think??

Elizabeth said...

My secret is out now. I love That Blue Yak.

saratogajean said...

I'm a follower...

Falwless said...

Wow you changed your avatar! Shouldn't the yak be blue, though?

Sass said...

Apparently I stopped following you and am now following you again.


Jennifer and Sandi said...

Do we have to wear a uniform? A sheet perhaps?


Jennifer and Sandi said...

And BTW, your new "Yak" photo is NOT BLUE? Geeeez! These people that think they know goats and yaks

- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

How does the follower widget order these things anyway?? I don't even show up on your top 15 or whatever, but you're the first one on MY list?! And you just started following me! What gives!

Vodka Mom said...

that didn't hurt a bit.....

katrocket said...

I disagree with those who say you're getting creepier lately. You've always been creepy. But you live really far away from me, so I think it's entertaining.

Now if someone had said "it's starting to feel like an episode of The Hills", well, that's another story....

LYDIA said...

Zibbs - thanks for helping out Miss Catherine. I really appreciate it.

Jon said...

If you're following me, and I'm following you, does that create some sort of worm hole in the space time continuum?

Miss Catherine said...

Thanks for helping me out. I will have a costume in no time.
And its true.
I am part of the cult.

Miss Catherine said...

Thanks for helping me out. I will have a costume in no time.
And its true.
I am part of the cult.

Miss Catherine said...

Oh I'm embarassed.
I didn't mean to post twice...

LYDIA said...

Since it's getting so creepy around here, and cult-like, perhaps I can assist you in turning this into a real cult experience. I am from Utah....