Monday, October 20, 2008

Famous Blogger Announces 2009 Calendar Of Hotties

I hope you saved the receipt for your Ziggy Calendar because you're probably going to be returning it. The reason? I hereby announce the THAT BLUE YAK 2009 wall calendar*. I'm not only releasing this to have a handy reference to the days of the week, but also as a blogger keepsake. A collectible. Since I already have a lot of foxy ladies reading this blog**, I thought I'd use their images for the calendar in exchange for the $1000 per year subscription fee that everyone who reads my blog has unknowingly signed up for.

So click on the links to see the 2009 Yakettes:

January Melo - She's the red head in the middle.

February Alice - in sexy Halloween outfits. The playboy bunny is my favorite.

March Lydia - She's the 4th picture down on the right (and some pictures below that).

April Gwen - The top picture with the fingers for gun is my favorite in this one.

May Ms. Florida Transplant - Hopefully she'll read this before she picks the winner of her current caption contest (hint - bribe - hint - wink)

June Beckeye - In her witchy-evil pose.

July Chele - Doing one of her famous splits on the dance floor.

August Morgetron - This is her with red hair.

September Whiskey Marie - One cool chick.

October Chris - this one is for the ladies and my gay readers. Look at those handsome poses. (note that I have no idea if Chris looks more like Brad Pitt or the Elephant Man. As I'm 100% straight man, all dudes look identical to me).

November - This month reserved for a picture of a unicorn with an inspirational saying. Or a tractor.

December -This month reserved for any female bloggers that usually don't post pics of themselves in their blog. Just send me a few pictures. Remember, there's only one spot left so if the picture of you happens to be of you kissing another girl or something titillating, my secretary may accidentally move it to the top of the pile. So get snappin'.

*Images for calendars will be printed and bound by users - or - more simply, just print out the pictures and tape them to a calendar from an Insurance company that you'll probably be receiving in the mail soon. Don't forget to write "That Blue Yak" on each page with a Sharpie. You know, so it looks authentic and all.

**For those of you that didn't make the cut this year, make sure to leave more pictures of yourselves on your blog so this cut and paste BS doesn't take me more than 5 minutes for the 2010 edition.

(and one more thing, I'm not responsible for what some of the male readers "do" with these pictures. Seriously, have you seen some of the creeps that visit this blog? Sheeeshh!)


Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Damn, Dr. Zibbs.

I'm honored!!!

I wonder if your love for me will be the same if you DON'T win the awesome blow-up globe...?

Dr Zibbs said...

Ms Florida - it will remain the same.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Well, I'm off for a cold shower. Thanks, Doctor Z!

BeckEye said...

What an honor.

But how did I not get to be October? Do you think I'm possessed all year long?

Dr Zibbs said...

Beckeye - I was thought it made sense for you as October as well but once I get into these time consuming cut and paste posts, I lose interest by the end. You know.

Mel O said...

Awww!! I am completely flattered Doc! You are the best! ;) Meanwhile where is my autographed copy you promised?

words...words...words... said...

I take back everything I ever said about you that you never knew about. Especially if you slip me Morgetron's phone number.

Chele said...

Im Miss July...
awww very sweet.

Whiskeymarie said...

I'd like a re-do. I KNOW there has to be a better picture out there of me. Surely I posted a pic of me in my unders...?

Elizabeth said...

Humph. Not only did I not make the cut on the calendar, I am still not on your blogroll.

Prepare for the silent treatment.


Falwless said...

I'm nowhere to be found on this shitty calendar. This fucking pothead monkey of mine is totally crampin' my game. 'Bout time he was sent away, like, for the good of "science," if you know what I mean.....

Gwen said...

I am honored, sir. We talked about you a lot this weekend at Homecoming.

It's curious that you recently wrote that you don't like women who look like birds but you put a picture of a bird in a post about some (but certainly not all) of your favorite women readers. I love your brand of odd.

ÄsK AliCë said...

Should I have a speech ready or is this the kind of "award" that means I just smile and wave?

*vapid smile*

I want an autographed copy as well!

Vodka Mom said...

okay, I"m looking, but I don't see vodkamom anywhere? SURELY you jest..........

Sass said...


Some Guy said...

Goddamn am I good-looking!

Dr Zibbs said...

I knew this was going to happen. OK. Enc, you were going to be added but then I remembered that you posted a picture of yourself and then but you said you were hesitant. As for the link, as your blog is mostly fashion stuff, I removed it - along with a bunch of others. Since you're such a loyal long time reader/commentor - I will add it back on shortly.
As for this Flawless person, you must be a new reader. I'm not aware of you. Do you have a blog?

Sass said...


I know I'm a newbie, but COME ON. Pillow fights in PA???? Did it mean NOTHING to you? ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm a neighbor for christ's sake. Not even mentioned.
I must go and cry in my coffee


Bizarro said...

Bizarro Zibbs does not recognize these new fangled months like "August". They are trends like the flying disc, the television, and the "jell-o". Repent of them and my wrath may be slightly mitigated.

Except for Zibbs. There is no hope for you Dr.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

What, you don't like GOATS anymore???? BTW, do you accept the American Express card? Wait....I don't have a thousand dollars. Your subscriptions are pricey!!!!

- Jennifer (GOAT)

Anonymous said...

Love the calander. Gives a troll looking guy like me some inspiration.

Anonymous said...

*Sigh* It's too bad I'm anonymous, or I totally would submit pictures for this calendar! Maybe I'll just submit a picture of my feet. You have to have at least a few readers with a foot fetish, right??

Dr Zibbs said...

Sass - um to even qualtify for the calendar you have to at least have some pictures of yourself on your blog.
Tova - I'm not a foot fetish person but I'm sure there has to be one who reads this blog. Seriously, have you seen some of these misfits?

Mo said...

Have you already picked the tractor for November? If not, we should talk. Mine's seriously sexy...

Fancy Schmancy said...

Thanks for not putting up that picture of me that I sent to you. That was for YOUR eyes only. *wink*

J. Hi said...

Falwless, you and I will start our own calendar for beauties foolishly overlooked by Zibbs. And your monkey can stay!

You will regret your decision to exclude me, Zibbs, when you check out my post from 9/24. Yes, my tongue is quite impressive. ;)

Anonymous said...

It's decided, then. Expect a picture of my feet to grace my blog by the end of the week.

Miss Alex said...

Hahahha this is hilarous...

but Zibbs... C'mon? have you even ever scanned the rest of my blog?

tisk tisk tisk... I do have photos.... ok not great ones. Might have to send you one...

what's your e-mail Zibbs? I think you'll have a change of heart. Just ignore that thing growing out of my ear... my hair covers most of it anyway.

Anonymous said...

You've been MEME'd! Or whatever it's called? Tagged?

(My way of saying I'm pissed that you didn't select me as Mr. December.)

Miss Alex said...

HAHA ZIBBS. I have your Miss December... LOL

saratogajean said...

I have a sweet pic of a unicorn, if you're still in the market.

morgetron said...

Welllll. I for one am offended. Why didn't you post that pic of me in my g-string from that time we were in Cancun together? Isn't THAT what calendars are all about?

Don't say it's because my butt it big because I know you like big butts.

Caffeine Court said...

I have some great shots of myself in my West Chester East cheerleading uniform. The only problem is they're from 25 years ago.

I went to Fugett and East. Class of '83. Yeah, I'm old. Shut up.

Whiskeymarie said...

I think the only reasonable solution is to incorporate a few of the lesser-known months in order to have room for all of the sexy broads here. Smarch, Uvulary, Pune, and Whoregust have long been overlooked in favor of the more "popular" and "conventional" months.

Problem solved.

LYDIA said...

Alice: Would you mind writing a speech for me too? I am no good at this sort of thing.

Zibbs: You are too kind :) Thank you. Do this mean my $1000 subscription fee is waived since I am March? I think you should consider Tova and Sass - I have a feeling that both of these ladies are hotties!

LYDIA said...

I have a good idea. Maybe the calendar could start with Nov. 2008? You know how calendars sometimes have an extra month or two at the beginning - lol.

Red said...

This is actually a great idea. Can you imagine how many "Hot Ladies of Blogger" calendars you'd sell?

Sass said...

I have a picture of the top of my face. ;)

I got about on your calendar, I just get a day. Not a whole month.

Like maybe March Eleventeenth. I like that day.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I agree with Falwless and J.Hi. I think we should start our own sexy calendar titled something like:

Sexy Women Bloggers That are Not in Dr. Zibbs Calendar.


The Sexy Feet of Women Blogger's - That Are Not in Dr. Zibbs Calendar.

- Jennifer

Sornie said...

There are some definite winners in those photos...

Jon said...

There's room for more than 12 blogger pics. Just make up new months, like Stalktober or

Also, I'd like to preorder 3 calendars please. For...ummm.. friends.

Anonymous said...


Jennifer and Sandi said...

HAHAHAHA Jon! Good One!!! Stalktober.

Seeing as Doc Zibbs has so MANY INCREDIBLE LOOKING WOMEN BLOGGER friends, maybe he can fill his calendar with 365 photos. One for every day :) Geeez, didn't take a brain surgeron to figure that one out!!

I'm taking my Jacks and Marbles and going home. To have a beer that is!

- Jennifer AND SANDI

Anonymous said...

Who wants to be in your stupid calendar anyway Zibbs?!?! :::stomping around pouting:::

Dr Zibbs said...

J Hi - Where is this amazingly long tongue you speak of . It's not there.
Jon - "Creepuary." That's good. If someone other than me put this post together I'd say that it's kindo of creepy but being me and know. It's OK.
Jennifer and Sandy - Cut and paste 365 links? Are you friggin crazy?

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Blah Blah Blah Blah, what I can't hear you, cut and paste, blah blah blah blah, friggin....

Go crack open a beer and I'll help ya :)

- Jennifer

Dr Zibbs said...

Jennifer and Sandi - I was out near Lancaster today and saw a farm of goats. It was too slow to take a picture but I was thinking about you. I'm not making this up.

Mel O said...

@ Enc; He puts me IN the calendar and I don't even get to be on his blogroll... WTF?!

Mel O said...

I think Doc just likes the ideas of all the ladies fighting over him :)

Falwless said...

Holy shit, 51 comments. Well done, Z, well done, baby.

words...words...words... said...

Zibbsy...why not just make a two-year calendar so you can put everyone in and avoid these unfortunate social faux pas? I know that will hurt your 2010 sales, but it's better than having angry women hurt your body. And make sure you put Sass in...we can only see half her face, but that half looks remarkably like Amy Poehler.

Dr Zibbs said...

Falw - Pretty impressive I know. I think it's a combo of vain people, big babies and pervs. What do you think?
WWW - Given that everyone has to print out their own calendar, I think that they can add some extra ladies to their own calendar. Note however that I've totally been thinking the Amy Poehler thing as well. Good catch. Do Phillies

Falwless said...

What do I think? I think you can't even spell "Go" in "Go Phillies" for chrissakes. "Do Phillies" ? Nice.

Yin said...

hi, found your blog via ms. florida transplant...

this is hilarious! =)

Yin said...
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Yin said...
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Anonymous said...

damn, you do have some hot readers! Sign me up for one!

Anonymous said...

I'd totally buy that if I was gay.

Jenn said...

I just found your blog through Ms. Florida Transplant. Interesting concept ;)

Congrats to the ladies that made the cut! Now I'm off to chekc out the rest of your posts!

Chris said...

Your disclaimers are hilarious!