Friday, October 10, 2008

This Is The Funniest YouTube Video

I just saw the funniest video on Melo's blog (It's Just Easier That Way). The crappy music on the video is so funny that I laughed out loud during the entire video and have tears trickling down my face. Here's the link.


Anonymous said...

I saw it and wanted to comment on it over there, but damn it's hard to leave a comment over there if you don't use Blogger or Wordpress.

(Loves ya anyways, Melo.)

Jesus that's funny shit. I bet there's some women out there that might attempt to accommodate such a large structure.

Mel O said...

HELLS YEAH THERE IS, poo!! Right here baby!

okwaitaminute... I better rethink that...

Hey thanks for the shoutout Doc!

Mel O said...

p.s. Poobomber... I changed my comment 'settings' just for you! so you better start commenting like you've never commented on anyone else's site ever before!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... better wait until after work to watch this.

Re: your comment - Oh, saliva has a smell, buh-lieve you me.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

" Tommy Get Out Of That Penis Right NOW"!!!!

Your are correct....cheesy music!


- Jennifer

Mnmom said...

What the hell?? Was that at Giant Genitals Theme Park??

words...words...words... said...

Now I know what "The Wall" would look like if they ever turned it into a porno.

Elizabeth said...

Dang, that's obscene!

Falwless said...

I have no idea what to say about this.

Micgar said...

Is someone farting Bohemian Rhapsody!?