Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here's A Blog That You Should Add To Your Reader

I have over 100 blogs in my Google reader. I need to delete some because I don't have time to read them all. One that I won't be deleting is Fonzie Sox. Most of the posts are a cool, weird or quirky picture followed by a few sentences. A nice relief from some of the novels that some bloggers - including me - post. Quick reading and always entertaining.

Go check it out and tell her Zibbs sent ya'.


Miss Alex said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I'm seriously honored... Your blog rules and you have like a GAZILLION Zibby fans! I'm totally totally in awww

you like me you reeeeally like me!


WendyB said...

100 blogs? Amateur. I have 100 million, at last count.

I started deleting some bitches who never leave me a comment though.

Megan said...

Oh no, not another one! :)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I love that gal.

Anonymous said...

If you delete my blog from your list, you can kiss your chances of ever seeing my boudoir photos goodbye!! :)

Actually, there's really not much chance that you'll ever see them even if you don't delete me. Except, of course, if I become rich and famous and my photographer decides to leak them to the tabloids for big bucks.

Some Guy said...

She's a peach!

If people are in the mood for blogs with short (very short), funny posts, check out Casual Slack and Anne Altman's blogs. I have links over at my place if you're interested.

Dr Zibbs said...

Some Guy - what is my comments section a commercial area for you? What am I your personal TV? Do you know what advertising costs on this site? You owe me $100,000. ...Oh those blogs. Never mind it's free. Except I wish Anne Altman would leave a comment on my blog. Just sayin'.

Queen Goob said...

And I love her personal picture, too. Thanks Z.

I was afraid to advertise some of my favorites because I'm..well..I'm a cheap bastard.

Miss Alex said...

I'm totally enjoying this love fest... and it gives me the chance to read new people's stuff... stop in anytime!

Smoochies said...

Love her!

Some Guy said...

Zibbs- Getting a comment from Anne Altman is extremely rare. Stick with me, kid. I'll see if I can pull some strings.

Fancy Schmancy said...

I feel like I'm following 100 other blogs right now, too, but there's always room for more.

Anonymous said...

Awesome tip! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love Fonzie's Sox Its a great find!

Elizabeth said...

It's hard work having that many blogs in your reader. I've got 150+ and have trouble keeping up.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'm headed that way. Thanks for the heads up!

Dr Zibbs said...

Smoochies - I knew she was right up your alley.

Gwen said...

Fonzie has been blogrolled and followed. Me likey!

slopmaster said...

I think I'm one of those... right?

as a wannnabe black man, I am insulted by that picture


Chele said...

if you say so, male version of Salma Hayek

Jen said...

Fonzie Rocks..

And thanks for
the shout out!!