Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey! Look At That Guy With The Huge Beak!

Did you know that this week is National Children's Book Week? Years ago, I used buy books at sales and then sell the books on Amazon. It was kind of an obsesson. Along the way, I picked up a great amount of books for my own Zibbs library. One of the beauties is called, "Why Does That Man Have Such A Big Nose?"

The book is to help children understand that people are different. People come in all different shapes and sizes, wear different clothes and behave in different ways. I'm glad they explained that on the back cover because I thought it was a joke book. And for the record, I still think they should have called it, "Hey...Get a Load of Fatso!*"

*This is a quote from The Honeymooners where Norton and Ralph are planning to stage a fight, and this was the line that was to be used as a code. This is also a phrase that I say, usually to myself, when I see a fat guy. Except last week, I was getting pizza in Exton at Rocco's and I saw a fatty and I said it out loud. Luckily my car windows weren't down.


Jennifer and Sandi said...

That book must be just like the childrens book "Everybody Poops"???

Yet another helpful childs book!
A good read!


- Jennifer

buffalodick said...

When my wife and I first met, she always thought her nose was too big. Trying to make her feel better about this, I said; "You don't have a big nose- you have a small face.." It was recieved about the same way as "You sure don't sweat much, for a fat girl"..

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm nervous posting a comment here for fear of what might happen to me...but the chuckle I got from Mr. Big Nose is worth the risk.

I think I want that book for my kids...are you ready to sell? hee.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm nervous posting a comment here for fear of what might happen to me...but the chuckle I got from Mr. Big Nose is worth the risk.

I think I want that book for my kids...are you ready to sell? hee.

Caffeine Court said...

Jesus, you are a posting MACHINE!!!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Thanks Zibbs! I did not know that this week is National Children's Book Week.
Books were such an important part of my childhood. The kids room at the library was one of my favoritest places in the world and I have such fond memories of those days. Ever a geek, I still love to spend hours roaming the local Barnes and Noble searching out new titles. I love the smell of new books and the quiet of a day spent reading a good one.
OOps.. sorry. I'm rambling. Thanks for the mini trip down memory lane.

Red said...

Wow. Quoting The Honeymooners makes you sound really old.

Gwen said...

A big nose is all the better to smell you with.

SkylersDad said...

I still enjoy reading from my favorite children's book "Good Touch, Bad Touch"

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I'm going to order that one about the Farting Dog!!!

Anonymous said...

I always heard... "why does that girl have all those dots on her skin?" as a child. It totally tormented me!!! -to the point where even I thought Freckles was the name of a life-threatening disease.

Dr Zibbs said...

Lee the Mwob Queen - Congrats on finding the holy land of blogs.
Red - It's only one of the best sitcoms ever.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Being physically disabled, I've always wanted to write a book about the 1 question I've consistantly been asked all my life...

"What's wrong with you?"

It wouldn't sell because it would only have 1 sentence...

"Nothing's wrong with me, but I can tell you're an idiot." ; )

I did once answer that question with, "If you must know, I tend to get bitchy when asked stupid questions." lol! They didn't get it.

LYDIA said...

Have you read the complete Nancy Drew series?