Friday, November 7, 2008

I Know A Blogger That's Having A Great Contest

You know, the blogger Falwless used to always say that she couldn't stand how funny the comments are that I leave on blogs. She used to tell me it all the time. And if you want to win my friendship, love, a chance at heavy petting or maybe even fingering, you'll do the same.

The problem here is that all of my classic comments are all over the place. What a waste. I even considered printing my comments onto a teensy tiny coffee table book. I see the cover being a cartoon fat guy, holding his sides laughing, or a picture of some trees or something. I'm still working on the ideas. You have to admit, it would make an adorable stocking stuffer.

Well, there is something new happening in the world of blog comments. Candy from the blog Candy's Daily Dandy is holding a contest that has to do with blog comments. You can nominate a funny comment (ie. mine) for the contest. I must say that it's a great idea so go check it out here.

P.S. she's also very easy on the eyes if... (eyebrow raised) you know what I mean (tiger growling: ggrrarrrrrrr)


McGone said...

Great, I'm leaving the first comment on a post about commenting. Fucking performance anxiety...

Chele said...

so many little time.
I have never left a funny comment, never comes out right

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Zibsy-what can I say-I love you Henry Higgins!! You be da bomb!!

Anonymous said...

Candy gets a shout-out on your blog! I'm so jealous I could cry! Haha. It's a great contest, Candy. I will be participating (and also trying to think of funnier comments to put on other people's blogs.)

Falwless said...

Maybe you misunderstood, Zibbs. What I used to "always say" was actually, "I can't stand you," not "I can't stand how funny your comments are."

words...words...words... said...

Finally, a contest for me. I'm much better at leaving comments than actually writing a blog. This comment notwithstanding.

Falwless said...

WWW is right. He's much better in smaller increments.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I just realized I incorrectly tagged my expression of grattitude to Prof. Zibbs. I changed it (got my Audrey movies twisted). My brain's on overdrive today.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, my first visit here (Blame sass) Obviously a small well knit community here, I feel like an outsider. Some of the comments are crazier than the post, I love it.


Jennifer and Sandi said...

Zibsy? Now THAT's funny... I mean CUTE!!! I mean, oh nevermind. I'd buy a coffee table book of your comments. Fo Sho!

- Jennifer

Kirsten said...

That sounds fun, I'm going over to check it out!

dmb5_libra said...

because i'm too lazy to go through previous comments made by you,and beacuse its all about me, you must leave a witty comment on my post today in order for me to nominate you.

Anonymous said...

wow, i wish I had been around longer to accumulate some good comments.

i will just go check out Candy, because yes, she is easy on the eyes.

Moderator said...

What are you opinions on thumbing as opposed to fingering?

Dr Zibbs said...

Grant thumbing is only polite when doing the "bowling ball hold." At least that what it says in my 1957 edition of Emily Post's Manners. Maybe it's OK nowadays.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Zibbs, I love you, but you are a comment whore. Both giving and receiving.

That whole herpes thing hasn't helped either...

Anonymous said...

Damn you're sexually aggressive with the female bloggers these days. Awesome!

Bizarro said...

i.e. (i.e. id est in Latin) is more akin to "that is" - you mean e.g.

This is more offensive than the spelling and grammar atrocities.

Say it right or, in the words of Skank, "SHUT YOUR STINKIN' TRAP!"

Bizarro said... did mean i.e. after all. "My bad" as the crazy kids like to say...