Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'll Be Needing Everyone To Pitch In and Help

See that tree to the left? It's a Silver Maple. I have eight in my yard. They sure do drop a lot of leaves. Do you see that spot right there in my driveway? That's where my car was! Can you grasp what type of leaf situation I've got here? God it's going to take me forever to rake up all of those leaves. I wish I had someone to help me.....

OK dummies I know you can't take a hint so I'll just come out with it. I'm going to need everyone to help me pick these leaves up. I'm going to assign the following bloggers to be team captains:

Chris - Blue Team

Giggle Pixie - Plaid Team

Sista #2 - Team Bud

Enc - Team Armani

When you're finished, call me on my cell. I'll be at Victory Beer sucking back a few Storm King Stouts. Now get to work!


Sass said...

I'm on Giggle Pixie's team.

Then afterwards we can do a little leaf wrestling.

I'm just sayin'.

Apparently I look nothing like my avatar, could be pretty hot. hee hee.

Sass said...

Ooh, and I think G.P. should get Gwen , MelO, Lydia...who else, who else.

Some Guy said...

Or you could do what I do. Wait for a windy day and let them blow into your neighbor's freshly raked lawn. They love it. I swear.

Of course, if there's gonna be female leaf wrestling nevermind what I just wrote.

Miss Catherine said...

Well shit.
Look whos a bully around here!
I'll be my own team!

J.J. in L.A. said...

At least you can rake them up. The neighbor's leaves fall into our pool. Talk about a (soggy) mess.

LYDIA said...

No Catherine - you will be on my team, which is with Sass on the Plaid Team.

Verdant Earl said...

I'll be with Zibbs in the Victory Brewery drinking team.

I know my strengths.

Sass said...

Ooh, Miss Catherine ~ You're Lydia's sister! (As if maybe you didn't know that...)

Which automatically puts you on our team, but there will be leaf wrestling. Just so you know.
hee hee.

Falwless said...

I will be the one collecting tickets at the door to the leaf wrestling event. Fuck that raking nonsense.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Falwless, I'll hang with you and help. (with a fresh bottle of Jose Cuervo) Or better yet, we could use the proceeds from the wrestling match and buy Zibsy one of those pimped out leaf blower thingies. Guys love those(don't they?) and Christmas is coming.

Anonymous said...

Is it BYOB? I need to know this before I take on this responsibilty.


slopmaster said...

How can one person blog so freaking often before one can get to reading all the posts! slow down!

Anyway, in africa you pay a kid (they dont go to school anyway) 25 cents and you could get your house painted if you want.

Anyway, I'll take a team... well, I don't know any of the team captains, so I'll go with Alice.

buffalodick said...

Leaves are leaves when on the tree, after they hit the ground- they're mulch..

Dr Zibbs said...

Slopmaster - I actually like blogs that only post about once a day as a well. I try to stockpile a few posts so I can then have a few in the bullpen and not have to worry about coming up with a new one when I'm really busy. The problem is, I'll see an amazing post sitting there, unread and I ask, "Is it really fair that I'm not sharing this masterpiece with the world?" I guess I'm just thinking about others.

ReformingGeek said...

Alcohol will be served if the teams come on down here to clean-up after my 100+ oak tress and my neighbor's elm.

I'll have the mowers gassed up and ready.

We're in the "city" now so we can't burn them and I'm not sure I trust some of you with matches!

Anonymous said...

Thank bejeezus I don't have this to contend with anymore!! I've already put my time in for leaf duty. Be thankful you don't have hickory trees that drop nuts on your head (and cars) and you're trying to do yard cleanup.

Tony Alva said...

What? that paltry amount of leaves? That's a mear dusting in comparison that which sits out in my yard and pool getting deeper as the day goes on. I'm going backpack blower (that's what she said) Thursday and take care of it all at once while my neighbors are at work and don't see me blowing them into their yards.

McGone said...

Dammit - I'm signed to another leaf collecting team and West Chester is juuuuust out of our jurisdiction. Shoot! Maybe next time.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Well I'm on Sista's #2 team. *TINK* That's the sound of my Bud Light opening!!

Oh, and I'd just sell the house. No sense doing all of that unnecessary raking.

- Jennifer

Miss Alex said...

Thank you Dr. Zibbs :D

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I would love to help but I've got ginko leaf problems of my own.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Isn't that what you have children for?

Mel O said...

wooHOOO!! Go Team Plaid!!


I'm just glad I'm not the last kid picked for the team... although before the leaf wrestling (leaf wrestling?) I think we'll need to do shots.

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The Victory Brewery team definitely wins...


Elizabeth said...

Dammit, I wanted MelO and Gwen!

Fine. I'll just hire a bunch of Italian craftsmen to rake up all the leaves, and I'll do my next fall collection with them. After I spend about an hour jumping in the piles.

Anonymous said...

I totally would've helped if you'd made me a team captain. Too bad for you.

Actually, my own driveway looks like that, and I don't even own a rake. My strategy so far (this is true) has been to kick some leaves down to the end of the driveway I get out of the car. In case you're wondering, that strategy does not work at ALL.

Elizabeth said...

And Falw! Why didn't I get any of my favorite girls!

I should have gotten up earlier.

Mel O said...

Now, now, ladies... No fighting. You can ALL leaf-wrestle with me! ;)

Mel O said...

Thanks for helping me feel <3 loved <3 Enc!! xo

SkylersDad said...

Last one to Zibbs house has to cover themselves in maple syrup and run through the leaf pile!

Dale said...

Forgive me if have to leave early.

Anonymous said...

How the fuck did I wind up with the PLAID team??? Oh, wait, you must've done some research and discovered I do have Scottish/Irish roots. Okay, I'll let it go this time.

As long as Sass is on my team and we get to do leaf wrestling afterwards.

Oh, and there will be alcohol, correct? There really must be alcohol.

Anonymous said...

I call Gwen , MelO, Lydia for my team too!!!



Sass said...

Plaid rocks. It' slimming?

Maple syrup first?

This is gonna get messssss-y.

saratogajean said...

I want to be on Team Bud!

Bud for Budweiser, right?

I have lots of leaf raking experience, not to mention I drink beer on a regular basis (semi-hourly).

Anonymous said...

Team Bud is right on this mission. See that neighbors yard down yonder???? They aren't home right? Team Bud knows exactly where to dispose of the mess.

Just dont rat us out. We too have people.....they may be tipsy....but they are people.


Queen Goob said...

I'm on GP's team, too!

Plaid = KILTS!!!! WOOHOO!!!

I don't know about the rest of them but we Celts need alcohol so BYOB folks!

Queen Goob said...

psst - Pixie - it's a maple not an oak

Moderator said...

Can you make syrup with those trees?

Chris said...

I only like to fix problems once. I'm going to get my %&$*ing chainsaw!

Caffeine Court said...

Too bad I don't live near you. My husband's really into leaf blowing. A little too into it.

MJenks said...

You know, a lawn mower makes quick work of leaves.