Friday, November 21, 2008

Sometimes You People Don't Appreciate Your Lives

Many people go about their lives bitching and complaining. They don't think how awful some people have it. A real life nightmare that I lived through happened this morning. I looked out the window and Chester County had a surprise snow storm. When I opened my car door, some of the snow fell on the seat and I actually sat on some of it. It gets worse. I didn't have a scraper so I had to use a rolled up newspaper. Then, to top it all off, the traffic was terrible*. I'm asking that everyone buy a mylar balloon to be released at exactly at noon today. If I look out of my window at 12:01 and see some balloons I may be able to carry on.

*Do you see that cemetery? It's the one on Route 100. You know, the one where I was singing and I may have ruined the fun that mourners were having at that funeral. I wrote about it in this post.


ÄsK AliCë said...

I HATE winter - it just snowed here too and although I'm in denial I think I may have to leave my cave soon to gather things like "water", "food" and "money"

Anonymous said...

You poor Bunny Rabbit. I feel your pain...

saratogajean said...

Consider my balloon...released.

Euphemism? Perhaps.

P said...

Sorry, i don't know what time zone you're on, but think I missed the balloon release! Or perhaps not. Either way, you probably wouldn't have seen it anyway . . .

dmb5_libra said...

well people drive all crazy in my area when it snows....or rains. seriously. its bad. also:

Trailboss said...

Oh My, let me be remiss about my bitching. It was cold this morning in Kentucky but no snow, thank goodness. You have my symphathy and my ice scraper if I could figure a way to post it here.

Anonymous said...

When I started reading this, I thought you were going to talk about a real-life tragedy and make us all feel bad for being whiney jerks. And I was like, "who the heck is this, and where is Zibbs?" And then you pulled through with something totally off-the-wall... as you always do. I apologize for doubting you, even for a second.

McGone said...

I actually attached my ice scraper to my balloon for you to use. Be sure to give it back when you are done, preferably by carrier pigeon.

J. Hi said...

Oh quit your bitching, you pansy!

The balloon I released for you had rainbows and unicorns on it.

Chris said...

I was going to release a balloon, but I was concerned that with your vast oceans of readers, the sheer number of mylar balloons in one vicinity would reflect away all of the sunlight, causing a micro-regional ice age in Chester County. Whoops, from your picture, it seems as though I'm too late:(

Holy Crappers said...

It looked pretty though, didn't it?


Verdant Earl said...

Upon every November must a little snow fall. Or something like that.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I am FRESH out of Mylar Balloons sorry!

Like I mentioned the other day......SELL THE HOUSE AND BUY ONE WITH A GARAGE... of course it's cheaper to go buy a snow scrapper.

I hope your commute home proves to be better for you!!


- Jennifer

Jennifer and Sandi said...

And how in the hell did that snow storm miss me here in Minnesota? Hmmmm.....

- Jennifer

SkylersDad said...

you're lucky your wet pants are from snow. Me, just poor bladder control.

Anonymous said...

that sounds bad but I just had to wash a dish in the staff room so I would have a plate for my lunch then, when I got back to my office, I realized that I left my drink in the staff room. Let me tell you that was pretty damn stressful and I might even have to go home early.

Anonymous said...

i was thinking that if we all released a mylar balloon every day, we might be able to pollute the earth enough so global warming will speed up even more and there will be no snow anywhere, ever.

Megan said...

High of 82 today...

Red said...

Every time you people write about the cold and snow and winter, I look out my window and laugh and laugh and laugh. I'm such a bitch.

Anonymous said...

We had a snowstorm early in the week, then another one last night, and right now we've got about a foot of the white stuff on the ground. At least it seems to have died off now and the sun is coming out so it all looks really pretty.

Until it gets plowed into dirty piles and gets slushy and you have to walk through it to get to your car and it gets into your shoes and soaks your pants and socks and then you have to scrape the car and kick those rocks out from under the wheel wells and...

Ah forget it. I'm going back to bed until this all melts.

LegalMist said...

Thank you, Dr. Zibbs, for reaffirming for me that I made the right choice when I moved to the sunny southwest... I never see snow at all unless I choose to drive up to the mountains to visit it.

I'd send you some bottled Arizona sunshine to warm your nether regions, but you'd probably just waste it some drunken Friday night at Geno's playing a practical joke on some sorry dude who doesn't know how to order properly....

Falwless said...

It snowed here last night, too. But just a light dusting. And I have a garage, like all other extremely wealthy Americans. Too bad you're so poor.

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova - you know me better than that.
Falwless - I do have a garage but I use it as my inventors workshop.

Falwless said...

Yeah, "inventors workshop." Suuure. "Inventors workshop" = "weird sex dungeon." You can't fool me.

buffalodick said...

Last night, I stayed in Northern Michigan, and had to be in the only county that didn't get blitzed! Colder than a well diggers ass, but only one inch of snow fell!

greeneyesmcl said...

What's that lobster doing on your windshield?

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Oh I feel your pain. And thanks for the reminder-I need to go get a scraper for the car. No snow in Boston..YET but I know it's coming. Get out your galoshes Zibsy, you wouldn't want to ruin your expensive shoes.

Smoochies said...

I sat on 113 this morning for a hour and a half before I got a chance to turn around and go the hell home.

~E said...


I like snow. I can snowboard and make snow angels in it.


Don't hate me?!?

Chele said...

Oh my gosh...I miss snow seeing this.

Gwen said...

Guh. Hate snow. My worst complaint today was the bun on my sandwich was over-toasted.

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Ha! I'm sitting in my house bundled up right now because it's "only" 70 degrees outside!

Gotta love Florida.

Shieldmaiden96 said...

See, sometimes you make me homesick for that area, and sometimes you remind me about stuff I don't miss. Like the asshat Rt 30 driving. Or how it takes a f-king eternity to get home from Delaware up 202 when it snows, what with 25 traffic lights from Route 41 to the WC Bypass.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Ugh, it has yet to snow here with any real intent of sticking. You have my sympathy. I'm already sick of the cold. Last Saturday was 60deg, within 2 days it was January cold and has stayed that way. It's too early, dammit!

J.J. in L.A. said...

Snow? What's that?

My mom moved from Minnesota to So. California when she was 19. My dad moved from Connecticut to So. California after the Navy. 2 of my brothers live in snowy states but then, boys are stupid. ; )

Btw, it's 83 degrees here today.

Hmm...I should call my cousin in Minnesota and brag. I haven't been called a bitch lately.

Anonymous said...

Hey man I just want to say one thing that live happily with what you have got rather than crying for each and every bit which you cannot have in life and stop cribbing