Monday, November 10, 2008

A Tip For When The Inlaws Pull Up To Your House

Just a little tip for when it's your daughter's birthday and you hear your in-laws pull up in front of your house: do not peak through the blinds, have a pissed look on your face and then start humming the theme to The Munsters. Trust me. You don't want to do that. And if your wife says,

"You said you wouldn't do that again!"

Don't say, "I said I wouldn't do the theme to the Addams Family. The Munsters were never discussed."

Just trust me. Don't do it.


Candy's daily Dandy said...

HAHAHAHA! I will keep that in mind this Thanksgiving, but really, is there something else you want to share with us Zibsy???

PS-Zibsy, MY Guy is going to Philly on biz today. How far is that from you?

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Ah yes, I beauty of not having In-Laws anymore. Thanks for the memories because I use to do that!!!!

- Jennifer

Sass said...

Another thing...maybe don't set your cell phone ringtone for The Theme from the Exorcist for your mother in law. Doesn't go over so well.

I'm just sayin'.

Dr Zibbs said...

Candy - what do you want me to share?
Sass - Dots a Good Von. You made me laugh out loud on that one.

Unknown said...

LMAO Those are some great tips..

Hide the shotgun as they walk in too.. that helps

Dr Zibbs said...

Candy - as for my distance from Philly, I'm about 45 minutes away.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. Can I say, "Look how BIG her ass is?" as one of the female in-laws pours herself out of the vehicle?

Some Guy said...

I hope your doghouse has heat, Zibbs. It's getting cold at night.

Falwless said...

I'm starting to say "Dat's a good von" when I'm chatting with people. I blame you.

Also, I have no in-laws. What do I do now?

saratogajean said...

I'll file that one away. Sounds like it might come in handy...

LegalMist said...

Awesome advice. Perhaps you should start an advice column? "Dear Dr. Zibbs..."

Anonymous said...


Sass said...

Zibbs ~ you seriously just made my day over on my post. And I commented back to you on my comments. Ever notice when you type a word too many times it starts to look like it's spelled wrong?

Where was I...

pj said...

Just lock the door and ask how they found you. I have good in laws and bad in laws.. The bad live 3.5 hours away, I got lucky.

Gwen said...

I think Legalmist is onto something there, Doc. I'm already laughing at the advice I imagine you'd give.

(Look at you! Making me laugh in my imagination. You really are something else.)

I had great in-laws; it was MY folks that made us pretend to not be home.

Mrs. Realife said...

So I read about this really funny blog on The Life of Sass called Mr. Zibbs -- So... I'm always up for laughter and I click -- What do I find? -- YOU

You are from West Chester, PA! (in case you'd forgotten) -- I lived 10 years in Chads Ford (or close to it, whatever... you understand) -- I L.O.V.E. reading people's blogs from places I've lived/know -- (well, actually, you are the first, so I'll let you know how it is :)

Keep the funny comin'!

Mrs. Realife said...

Sorry... it's DR zibbs -- wouldn't want to offend............

Dr Zibbs said...

Legal Mist and Gwen - I think you're on to something about starting an advice post.
Sass - you made my day saying I made your day.
Newlywedcentral - Chads Ford? Excellent. You were very close by. And thanks for stopping by my blog AND for correctly calling me "Dr" Zibbs. You can use just Zibbs if you wish after the 30 day probation period.

Talullah said...

Is is also wrong to whistle "ding dong the witch is dead" while discussing healthcare (nursing home vs. home health) options for your mother-in-law with your husband and his brother?

Mo said...

All right, I'm sold. When's your advice column debuting, Doc?

Slyde said...

my inlaws live 2 blocks away.

you need to tell me how to avoid them when they can come over at a moment's notice..

Dr Zibbs said...

Talullah - another good one!
Slyde - wigs.

words...words...words... said...

Any excuse to show a picture of Marilyn from The Munsters is appreciated.

And there goes my idea to solicit questions and do an advice column post! Damn procrastination.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I got a spare room dude. You know, if you need it...

Jen said...

I loathe my in-laws
the Munsters theme is
too nice for them

I would need
the Darth Vader theme
... or maybe the jaws theme

either one

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Zibbs, I get through all the comments and I am laughing so much at the reparté, that I forgot what the post was about. Oh yeah, Munsters and in-law visits. Like newlywedcentral, blamme sass for my presence here. Love it.


Anonymous said...

Doc, my mother-in-law lives in my home. IN MY HOME! Kidding. We get along pretty well. Better than me and my wife sometimes. But when she does get on my nerves.....ever see the commercial where the guy can understand animals and all the dog can say is sausages? I like doing that........for about 3 hours. No s***, 3 hours.

MIL: What are you making
Me: Sausages!
MIL: When will they be done?
Me: Sausages!
MIL: No I'm serious, when is dinner?
Me: Sausages!

You get it.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I can't hum, so it's a good thing I never acquired in-laws. My mom is bad enough.

Cora said...

Too true. It's also a good idea to refrain from humming The Simpsons theme and saying "Doh!" when your fat, bald ex-husband is around. (Not that you have an ex-husband. That I know of. But you get what I'm saying). It just kinda sets a chill in the air for some reason. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Haha thanks for the tip. If I ever get a daughter or a wife I will remember this.

And your blog post title just reminded me that the inlaws are staying for Christmas. Oh CRAP.

Fancy Schmancy said...

My OWN family is bad enough, glad I don't have to deal too much with the out-laws.

greeneyesmcl said...

OMG, that will be stuck in my head forever, it's cruel, but so very funny! You're a mean one Zibbs, I'd be sleeping with one eye open.

Lisa said...

That is mean. But funny and that is really all that counts.

Elizabeth said...

I bet you ended up in the doghouse after that little performance, didn't you, Zibbo?

Chris said...

I double dog dare you to say, the next time their number is ringing through on caller ID, "You Raaaang?"