Friday, November 28, 2008

Youtube Video Makes Mockery of Trampling At NY Walmart

OK. I was simply searching the stampede that happened at the New York Walmart on today's Black Friday and came across this video. I'm in no way saying that what happened was at all funny, but the dude that put music up to this video was... you see....he was....never mind. I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead.

That's just Yakety Sax wrong.


Anonymous said...

What was Benny Hill doing at a New York Walmart?

Verdant Earl said...

I don't live very far from there. Crazy shit!

SkylersDad said...

Damn people are just weird on Black Friday.

Vodka Mom said...

am I bad that I laughed my ass off? AM I????

Gwen said...

He was . . . right on the money? Hilarious?

People are dummies if they go out in that.


From the looks of most of the people running I would hazard a guess it's the first time they've "ran" (or even "moved" their body) since maybe the last Black Friday.

How ironic too, that they are no doubt running into the store to buy something that will plant them right back on their couch.

Anonymous said...

Simply brilliant - who are these stampeding people? I'm glad we don't have any Walmarts around LA...they keep it away from all of us for a reason.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Lee, where in L.A. are you? Because there's a Wal-Mart in the next town over from me.

I personally don't find this video funny, under the circumstances. Benny Hill would be turning over in his grave.

Dr Zibbs said...

Vodka Mom - No. I just needed someone else to say that so I wouldn't feel so bad. Of course you probably laughed a bit harder so yes - you are kind of mean.

eve cleveland said...

Dr. Z...
First thang I learned in clown school is that anythang's funny with the right music.

Miss Alex said...


Anonymous said...

Gee...and all this before the sun rose.

Elizabeth said...

People are maniacs.

buffalodick said...

Benny Hill is smiling down on you...

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any boobies to go with the music.

Son of a Thomas said...

I am sure you have all seen the video, but did you detail it. No. Allow me.

At:15- woman falls
At:18- fumbles for her wig
At:20- see her clearly
At:21- see her re-establish her wig.


I wonder how much the rest of her night was spent saying "Lawdy"?

Micgar said...

Every year that same shit seems to happen! And doesn't it always seem to happen at a Walmart?! I just don't get that mentality of waiting in the freezing cold to get a little better deal on a stupid gadget or Wii or wee wee or whatever the hell you call them!

Scope said...

What boils my blood is the people who blame Wal-Mart for it.