Thursday, February 18, 2010

You Bought A New Mirror,You Might As Well Look In It. Freaks.

Hey. Take a look in the mirror:

Naaaa. Just kidding. This is really you:

No. I think I need glasses because this is really you. I'm not kidding this time. Go ahead. Look in the mirror again:

Yeah that's you. Right there on the left. Yeah. YOUR left...if you're looking at the monitor. Yeah...wait. Yeah that's it. That's you.


Dr Zibbs said...

..come to think of it, maybe you're the one on the right.

Kristen said...

The hair and dress leads me to believe I am a woman, but I am not sure. And my day was going so well before this!

Anonymous said...

What in the world? I retract my statement from yesterday. Maybe I don't get you.

Nah...I'm just kiddin'.

Dr Zibbs said...

Just so you know these are pinheads from the movie Freaks. I believe it came out in 1933.

I saw it last year at the Colonial Theater in Phoenixville.

Verdant Earl said...

Freaks = the scariest film of all time. Just sayin'.

Dr Zibbs said...

BE Earl - Yeah. I was pretty "freaked" when I saw it.

JenJen said...

Honey look! We're wearing matching popovers on our heads.

Dr Zibbs said...

JenJen - they're called popovers? I did not know that.

Bombchell said...

"One of us! One of us! One of Us"

was it he is not one of us? or just one of us? lol

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

My husband actually owns this movie. Owns. This. Movie!


Dr Zibbs said...

Anything But - I like his style.

Anonymous said...

The first two photos are of Simon "Schiltzie" Metz. If you want to learn more about this interesting person as well as others check out "Human Marvels" at

A great collection of amazing humans for your entertainment. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Get your tickets right this way!

Ellie said...

Wow... she slept with THAT? i obviously have AMAZING charisma.

Dr Zibbs said...

Thanks Mr Nor.

Ellie - tee hee.

Unknown said...

ROFL! I just saw this. For the record, I'm hot like FIYAH today.