Wednesday, July 11, 2012

West Chester Artist Strikes Again. Exton Dollar Store, Barnes Foundation.

Remember a few posts back when I showed you the collage art I did and recently found? Well I found two more masterpieces. Look at her. I give you: "Must Kill Nun."

A few years ago I was at the Dollar Store in Exton and came upon a shelf full of nun figurines that were marked down to 25 cents each. You read that right. 25 cents each! Per nun! Well five dollars later and I was the proud owner of 20 nun figurines. I know. I thought the Indians selling Manhattan for a few trinkets was a scam. I had to feel sorry for the Exton Dollar store. They kinda got taken. They probably fired the person who marked them incorrectly. Hey. Ain't my problem.

Well when I got home I got to work and modified a few in the fashion that you see above. I even sold a few on Ebay for ten dollars. And though some lucky collectors were able to buy a valuable heirloom for a ridiculous price I decided to stop production. Here's a closer look at the face:

She's a beauty huh?

I also found a sculpture I did. I call this piece "Mr Toof." Here it is:

Mr Toof is not only a hand sculpted piece of art but he's also a reminder that helps teach kids about tooth decay. You sit him on the sink so when kids are brushing he can watch the kids. Watching. Waiting. Learing.
But the kids who get this have to have REALLY rich parents because my selling price for this piece for 1.3 million dollars. Now I know that sounds like a lot but if you guys all pitch in maybe you could take turns with it. It's up to you.

Let me know though because if I get no takers I'm probably going to donate it to a museum. Probably to the Barnes Foundation in Philly. I'm not sure yet.


Dr Zibbs said...

And before anyone says anything I do know that the Barnes Foundation only has art collected from Albert C Barnes but I'm sure they would love to give Mr Toof a home and just claim it was collected by Mr Barnes.

sybil law said...

Mr. Toof is a national TREASURE.

Suze said...

Zibbs, you crack me up.

Dr Zibbs said...

Sybil- It should tour the country like King Tut did!

Suze - Thanks baby doll.

Jaclyn said...

A $.25 nun figurine? I'm at a loss of words... lol

Furtheron said...

I like the nun...

Dr Zibbs said...

Jax- I know!

Furtheron - you have great taste!

Whiskeymarie said...

Maybe they would take it as a loaner?

Dr Zibbs said...

Whiskey - Oooh I'll put themon the short list.

Gage1 said...

Don't forget us when you're a famous Artiste!

Dr Zibbs said...

TC - I won't!

scott davidson said...
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