Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Thoughts on Plastic Surgery. Jennifer Grey. Fake Boobies.

 There's Jennifer Grey back in the day. And this is her now:


She looks like a different person. So much better looking and you can't even tell she had any work done. How can they do this but so many other plastic surgery faces look terrible?

I think I'm against most plastic surgery. Unless it's a woman with a huge beak. Then it's OK. Noses are pretty easy to do. For dude's though? Big noses are fine. Look at Adrien Brody with that schnoz. Ladies like him don't they?

As for big fake boobs I'm not a fan of those easy. But I am OK with the boob lift.

Would I get plastic surgery? Probably if I developed one of those neck gobblers but I think that's hereditary right? So I think I'll be fine. As for my crows feet I'm OK with them.

Tell me YOUR thoughts.. Let your voice be heard on this important matter.


Dr Zibbs said...

...and let me know of any celebrities that you think have gotten great plastic surgery.

Blondie McBaffled said...

Growing up in Southern California, the meca for all things cosmetic, just about all my high school friends have had some alteration or another. I'm all natural baby and happy with it...though I wouldn't mind a little eye tuck. Maybe one day.

On another note, I got yelled at on my blog today about accidentally turning the captcha on.

Kelly Robinson said...

That picture makes her change look less dramatic than it really was. Her nose job cost her her career, a lot of people say, because no one recognized her anymore. She was in a sitcom post-Dirty Dancing, and I didn't even know it was her until someone told me, and I was stunned.

Dr Zibbs said...

Blondie - Well thanks for visiting my blog! And don't get too much work done.

Kelly - I know. I didn't even recognize her either when that show came on.

Kelly Robinson said...

Since you asked, I think Angela Lansbury's removal of her droopy jowls was fine. She said she didn't think a woman should have jowls. I approve of her change, as she didn't change anything else. She looks like herself and not a bulldog.

Dr Zibbs said...

Kelly - Oh yeah. I approve of that. I think the worst is they make the nose too thin and the lips too big.

Anonymous said...

I'd tap that.

Dr Zibbs said...

Bama - Oh yeah you would.

Gina Gao said...

If you ask me, I would say that I would get a nose job as soon as I am able.

Suze said...

I'm not even dyeing my grey hair.

Look, here's how it goes down for me. I try to eat healthy, sleep well, exercise, take herbal supplements and laugh.

I'm aging. I'm 38 years old and I've got the greying hairs and the pains in the knees and the soft spots on my bod, but I'm cool with it.

Dyes, knives, shots, paints -- hell, even heavy jewelry -- are just not for moi. I think the most attractive thing on a person is confidence. If getting a lift or a nose job is what's gonna give it to you, I say go for it. Do what you gotta do, beautiful people.

I'll stick with keeping my channels as free and clear as I can.

And that's the way I sees it.

Verdant Earl said...

In one of the sitcoms she starred in ("It's Like, You Know..."), she played an actress named Jennifer Grey who had a nose job and couldn't get any work because no one recognized her anymore.

You can't make this shit up.

Verdant Earl said...

PS - Do you need comment moderation AND captchas? Those new captchas that blogger has are so annoying. Hard to read.

Anonymous said...

I love my "crows feet" because they are my laugh lines. However, I color my greys faithfully...yet I don't wear any makeup and unless it's a special occasion, and the most I wear is mascara and eyeliner. To me, more is less.

If a person wants to have cosmetic surgery to make themselves feel better, I say go for it but it has to be for them, not to make someone else like them.

Dr Zibbs said...

Suze - Great attitude.

Earl - I heard that! And good point with the captches. I will change.

Elsie - Yeah? Lets see a picture.

Tom said...

I feel bad for people who have surgery who don't really need it: Meg Ryan, Bruce Jenner, Kenny Rogers, etc. I can understand cleaning up som major problems, but it seems to backfire for so many celebrities.

Indigo Roth said...

Hey Dr. Zibbs! It's a mixed bag, but there's some good in it. And one day, I'll stop supergluing these bloody jug ears to the side of my head and get them fixed properly. Roth

Furtheron said...

I think in general principle I'm against it - only since I think any surgery for surgery sake isn't a smart move. There are always risks...

Here in the UK there is a well known case of an actress Leslie Ash - who was stunning when I was a youngster - any man in the UK who was between puberty and his late 20s fancied Leslie. She had a botox on her lips - went horribly wrong, she was scarred for life and it had other problems through infection in the recovery treatment that meant she was left at one point barely able to walk... yes just botox nothing that substantive... I rest my case m'lud.

However on another point I just think accepting who you are and living with it the best way - now there are cases where people have deep psychological issues - then I have a different opinion on it.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Jennifer Grey was lambasted in the press for her plastic surgery!! It even ruined her career. She was forever "Baby" from Dirty Dancing and once she changed her look, no one would give her a job.

Ironically, it wasn't until Dancing with The Stars, which she won, that she has resurrected her career. I guess we have forgiven her for her plastic surgery.

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

Like you, I am not down with the plastic mammies. But if push comes to sag for me one day, I may do a lift.

Dr Zibbs said...

Furtheron - Damn shame.

Dawn - Yeah that's the way to go. The fake ones always look fake.

Anonymous said...
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