Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Post About Annoying Blog Commenters.

I know it's best to ignore an annoying commenter but I'd like to give a shout out to three:

Anonymous - The current Anonymous likes to point out spelling or grammatical errors in my posts. Honestly, someone like this is more like a bug to me. It doesn't bother me at all. I write these posts like emails and sometimes grammatical errors slip in. And spelling errors. But my spelling errors are usually typos.

And if you're going to leave an anonymous comment at least leave a name - even if a fake one - at the end of the comment dummy. Because when you don't you just blend in with all of the other anonymous commenters.

Michelle - This is the woman that leaves comments on this blog (and blogs I follow) along the lines of...

Cheney is fect. Fect is Bush
Forget Yak with Cheney. Texas is LEFT

And on and on. Basic nonsense. And she also threatened me. But she doesn't leave comments on here anymore because I not only found out who she is but I found out where she lives, where she used to work, the names of people she used to work with and her email address. So she knows what will happen next time she leave her nonsense on here.

Boycott American Women - This puss is the worst. He leaves paragraphs about how American women should be boycotted then has a link to his blog. There is no way this guy ever gets laid. And the blog is so fake. He writes posts that are supposed to be from men around the country but there are a few problems:

1) The posts are written by him! It's so obvious because it always starts off, "Bill from Texas" or "Mike from Florida." Never a city. And they're all written in the same way. By him.

2) Also, how does he get these "testimonials?" There's no way to contact the coward. Oh yeah, and you can't leave a comment on his dumb ass blog because the puss doesn't allow comments.

What a joke.


Dr Zibbs said...

Who is YOUR favorite?

Anonymous said...

There used to be a woman who subscribed to my old college newspaper purely so that she could circle any errors she found in red pen and then mail it back. Finally, they posted something in the paper that said "Any errors that you find in this paper were placed there intentionally. We know that some of our readers spend a lot of time looking for errors in our publication, and we would hate for them to be disappointed." She stopped mailing the paper back after that.

Also, hi!!

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova - I love it! And long time no comment!

Anonymous said...

My blog is full of errors! Anonymous would have a field day on my blog LOL

Choleesa said...

I REALLY (wish I could underline REALLY) HATE that Boycott American Women guy......what a freak, I think he was castrated, cant get laid, therefore dosnt (spelling error on purpose) get laid!!
Lets see if "Anonymous" has anything to say about my errors....bring it biyatch!!! haha

Dr Zibbs said...

Elsie - i heard dat!

Choleesa -and standing up for my honor!

Gage1 said...

I HATE whoever that person is who leaves the garbled nonsense. They are tagged as anonymous on my blog but sound suspiciously like your Michelle. The latest I got was "Oh oh...THOMAS the Owl? We thought Rob Lowe was the Owl. You in that RED BARN? Or you in ONOTENT? We know " smelly feet" are MARTINEZ and toes are TORONTO".

I've had to put moderation on my blog because they wouldn't stop flooding me with this bullshit.

Dr Zibbs said...

TC - that's her!!

Gage1 said...

Is she mentally ill? I mean seriously, anyone with that kind of time to post SO MUCH nonsense needs to get a real hobby...or needs to get hit by a car.

Dr Zibbs said...

TC - I was told she is off her meds. But tough luck. I still don't want her junking up my comments area with jibberish.

mCat said...

CanNOT stand an Anon comment. If ya'll don't have the balls to own your words, don't type them, or speak them. My anon for awhile was a stalker who is bat shit crazy. Once I blocked her IP address and created it to send her in one big crazy loop of url's, she stopped. She's still reading 'cause I can see her coming through a different IP but at least the ridiculous hate comments stopped.

And really, if you hate me, then why do you come to my blog? Get a life?

Wow - small rant there, sorry mate!

Whiskeymarie said...

The grammar/insignificant detail police need to knock it the fuck off. I had some passive aggressive chick do it to me on FB the other day, and she followed the comment with a smiley face. Ugh.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Well, I hate all three of these commenters. I think I got a long-ass one from the 2nd one you spoke of by my page. She must have found me through your page. They're written like ransom notes from a skitzo. I had a commenter say, anonymously, or course, "You are a fucking idiot." That may be so, but have the balls to put your name, and at least explain why you think I'm an idiot. I mean, I am, but you can't convince me without at least presenting an argument . . .

Anyway, thanks for letting these douchers know how bad they suck

Gage1 said...

I DID leave one of her comments up on my blog. This one:

Newsflash! Just got a thread from Warren County Fair! You know her as " Washington Irene". She's the one with " Rick the Prick". They're both in the UN with French mob. The message is this: " QUARTETO"! It's from the QUEEN! ( She's another Aryan.) She 's addressing USTECO - TORONTO! And what she says is this; And I quote : " EL EIREIROS UNI". Oh man. Don't sound good for " TC".

I actually quite like the story line up until the message is this part. That's where it all falls apart. Beyond that, I'm curious about the exploits of Washington Irene and Rick the Prick.

Dr Zibbs said...

Mcat - Oooh I need to figure out how to find somebody's IP address. I guess it has to be a work IP to see exactly where they're coming from.

Whiskey and Dr K - I heard dat!

TC - She always write things like "___ the ___". She also loves to capitalize words. And uses names of states for some reason.

Pearl said...

Michelle used to be on my blog as well, but at the time she was leaving comments about RICK the PRICK.

Off her meds indeed.


Dr Zibbs said...

Pearl - Yeah I remember seeing her over there once.

Furtheron said...

The American Woman guy came past me once or twice... odd given I live in the UK and I'm not a woman...

I have one post a book review from years back that some Anonymous twit keeps trying to post Spam on and I have comment approval on so... they lose everytime - about 1 or 2 a day you have to admire the dogged and pointless persistence of them though

Dr Zibbs said...

HAHA! Boycott American Woman tried to leave a comment here. Sorry coward. You don't allow comments on your blog you're not leaving any on mine.

And your name is John Rambo? You seriously go around using that stupid name? No wonder you can't get laid! Now be a man an allow comments on that phoney blog where you write all of the testimonials. In case you didn't know, NOBODY is fooled.

Dr Zibbs said...

Hey "John Rambo". Tried to leave another comment you loser? Why don't you answer the question and say why you don't allow comments on your retareded blog? Because you're a pussy!

And how can people send you testimonials if there is no way to contact you? Nice imaginary blog. Everyone knows it's fake and that you never get laid.

Ezekiel 25:17 said...

That Boycott thing is the worst. It's actually a front for an Indian mail order bride scam called Indianwife.com or something like that. Praying on lonely guys. Of course John Rambo is just a machine with probably dozens of operators. I can confirm the real name of one of the operators. Peter Andrew Nolan. You go google him. He is a complete fruit and nut job. I like this post.

Dr Zibbs said...

Really valerie? Thanks.

Ezekiel 25:17 said...

You're welcome :)

Dr Zibbs said...

Well valerie thanks for commenting. I wish you had a blog. Please continue to comment. And if youre on twitter follow me @drzibbs and @fatherkelly