Monday, January 28, 2008

A Few Great Top 10 Lists

Here are a few great top ten lists from the top ten lists at the blog List Verse

Top 10 Human Sideshow Freaks - Honestly, I've never seen Mary Ann Bevan (ugliest woman). She does bare an uncanny resemblence to Fred Gwynne.

Top 10 Bizarre Collectibles - Very odd. The Franklin Mint wasn't mentioned once.


  1. Doesnt a certain lawyer twice over take issue with this item from the Urban Legends list?

    9. Who invented the toilet?

    Contrary to popular belief, it was not Thomas Crapper. Crapper is known to most as an ingenious Victorian plumber who came up with the idea of a flushing lavatory. The majority of this deceit comes from a book written in 1969 by Wallace Reyburn: Flushed with Pride: the Story of Thomas Crapper. This author also, interestingly, wrote The Uplifting Tale of Otto Titzling and the Development of the Bra. Crapper was in fact a plumber, and he did take out a number of plumbing related patents in his time, but none was for the flush toilet.

    In reality, Alexander Cummings is generally credited as being the inventor of this illustrious gadget, in 1775 (50 years before Crapper was born). Joseph Bramah and Thomas Twyford improved upon Cummings’ design by adding the ball-cock. Finally, the use of the term crapper for a lavatory is of unknown origin but is believed to have started out in America.

  2. I guess the facts "Doesnt" bother me that much.
