Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Blog on The Wheel of Fortune? Aww Shucks

OK, I don't know if this is the handiwork of Falwless or Gwen, but when I was flipping through the channels last night I saw that SOMEONE is following my detailed instructions (say: orders) for promoting my blog. Even though I hate the Wheel of Fortune I appreciate it. Very cute.

Thank you. Thank you very much.


  1. I'd like to solve the puzzle, Pat.

    Google Thit Blee Yak!

  2. I'm laughing at Chris.

    This was not my handiwork, Zibbs.

  3. Nor mine. I love a good mystery with a dash of intrigue.

  4. Dudes! The promo is working!

    Hi, becky!

  5. I'm pretty sure he's going to see a major spike in visitors (read: +4).

    I'd put money on it.

  6. you mean Vanna isnt turning all the letters over?

  7. I just thought I would point out that, while in Nashville over the weekend, some lawyer douchebag had left a bunch of his cards all over the tables outside the Barnes & Noble.

    It was at that point that I scrawled "Google 'That Blue Yak'" over the backs of all of them. Try to get free advertising, you douchebag lawyer, and I'll turn it into something more beautiful.

    You should check and see how many people from Nashville are now visiting your blog. I bet it's 100 x 10^-2. Or some other large, sciency number.

  8. I hate to rain on your parade, but the "A" has already been guessed (YAK), and there's no such word as "thet", "thit", "thot", "thut", or "thyt".
