Friday, September 5, 2008

Great Republican Convention Gift - PA Shop Has It

"Crackleberry Farm Antique Mall? I aint' goin' thar."
Well you sir may be a fool because if you're traveling west from West Chester and Chester County on Route 30 in PA, it's only a short ride until you hit Paradise, PA. You didn't read that incorrectly. We're talking Amish country. 20-30 minutes from modern civilization.

And you would think with the Amish, with their fear of electricity, Eskimos and things that click that the only they have for sale or barter would be pie tins, doily and frilly fabrics and drawings of "the English" enjoying funnel cake. That's where YOU are wrong. Because on a recent visit there, I found the proof. A good ole' fashion Richard M. Nixon shower nozzle (see picture above).

I'm sure its not too late to have this baby shipped overnight for your lady at the RNC. Go for it.

In case you want to call and see if the Nixon is still there, the phone number is: 717-442-8805.


  1. Oh, it's a shower nozzle. I thought it was a urinal cake.

  2. The English enjoying funnel cake made me laugh so hard coffee went down the wrong "pipe" and now I'm coughing like a TB infected immigrant. Thank you Dr. Z. Thank you.

  3. I will forever have nightmares in my shower

  4. Wait, the Amish have a phone?

    My maiden name was Nixon. No relation.

  5. Glorious! Ah, PA. They have such great city names such as:

    - Paradise
    - Intercourse
    - Bird in Hand
    - Blue Ball

    And the Amish live in most of them. Coincidence? Oh heck...I love the Amish! They bring such goodies to the Growers Market in WC :)

  6. I guess that means Paradise is actually in pennsylvania.

  7. Kimmie,

    Don't forget that great city Beaver, PA.

    How great would it be for McCain and Palin to do a campaign event there?

  8. I had one of those. Problem was there were too many leaks.

    Get it.

    You see, it was the gradual leaking of information that eventually brought down Nixon. Forget it. I should be banned from commenting. I'm sorry.

  9. Is that really a shower nozzle? Or is it a lawn sprinkler? Seriously, I could almost make some sort of sense out of a sprinkler.

  10. If you haven't firmly shut off the faucet, you can call the wife into the bathroom and say, "Hey, look, Dick Trickle!" Get it? The auto racer? Actually named Dick Trickle? Heh? (I am 11 years old, mentally.)

  11. Kimmie, Sornie and Little Merrie Sunshine. Look at all of these new readers. Welcome to my lair (is that spelled right)?
    Some Guy: Great joke.

  12. I was really nervous about clicking on the YOU link. I figured you were up to no good...

  13. wow, between you and kirby^^^ I got some great laughs here.

  14. i only want it if it comes with the matching spiro agnew toilet seat

  15. Well, count this as the second time I clicked on something I knew might be funky and went 'oh dear god' and shut down the whole blog on accident. The other should have been considered much worse, but 'oh dear god' how many inbreedings did that take? Talk about visceral reaction. Flashbacks to a late night X-files episode, I suppose. Do you think they procreated? And what would the Missus look like? shudder...

  16. Attention to anyone thinking of buying me a Christmas present: I need this shower nozzle.
