Saturday, September 27, 2008

Say You, Say Me? More Like: "Say WHAT?"

Clown Weekend continues at TBY with this cheese ball rendition of Say You, Say Me. Trust me on this one - you need to see the expression on this clown at 49 seconds in. Try to concentrate on that expression when you're in a deep, deep sleep tonight.


  1. That smile said, I'm going molest you as soon as you shut the fuck up...

  2. Luckily, I no longer suffer from coulrophobia. I'm also glad that I didn't watch "Kids Incorporated" back in the day. Otherwise, I might be scarred worse than I am.

  3. What the fuck was that? Does she love the clown? Did the kids in the park after dark or what ever the fuck she was singing know this clown? What the fuck was up with the broom? Was that entertaining? I have watched this thing 3 times now and I still don't know what to think. Did Lionel Ritchie sue these people?


  4. I would like to thank you in advance for the night terrors I will be enjoying tonight. So... Thanks... Bastard.

  5. What was the point of the clown? And how much time did you spend digging up all these clown videos?

  6. People I have no idea what the clown is doing. And Gwen, this is how much time it takes to find clown stuff: Open Youtube. Type in clown. Done.

  7. Great....there goes the wife's "clown in a negligee" routine that I used to enjoy so much. Thanks Dr. Z ;)

  8. For some reason, I can't hear any audio and the video keeps stalling.

    But, that clown totally sodomized that girl with his broom handle during the commercial break.

  9. Oh man...they didn't kiss at the end?? What's the point? Hot clown should try it.

  10. I cannot stop laughing. After watching the video I was laughing, but then I opened the comments box and saw Anonymous' comment and now I can barely breathe.

    Seriously, what the fuck is this? I hope the people responsible for this terrible shit storm were fired.

  11. I made it 32 seconds
    then I threw up in my mouth
    and had to shut it off

  12. his broom baton and large grin are very threatening aren't they...she looks like she's been forced to sing this.
