Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wake Up People. This You've Got To See

What's funnier than a reporter getting hit by a toboggan? I can't think of anything Check this out:


  1. I give him a 10 for the flip. Funny!

  2. I give him 100 for the unfazed line he delivered, and getting up and walking away!

  3. Ha ha ! That was one of the funnier news "bloopers" I have seen! Is there a slight gasp by the cameraman in trying to control uproarious laughter right after the "incident"? Thought I heard something. What's funny is he recovers enough to give his sign off!

  4. I keep seeing a commercial for some show where a news reporter gets taken down by a runaway camel. The small clip is funny in itself, so I can only imagine that the whole thing would be pretty hilarious.

  5. Ass over elbows is always comedic gold!

  6. One must admit, finishing the report was dedication on his part.

  7. What's funnier than a reporter getting hit by a toboggan? How about someone getting tied to a tree WITHOUT ANY ROPE! Sound familiar Zibbs?

  8. For some reason, the funniest part of this to me is that the poster titled the clip "Ruben Is In The Lead". I'm not very funny.
