Monday, September 15, 2008

West Chester Bomb Scare - Blogger Safe

When I pulled into West Chester at noon to meet a client today I was a bit surprised to see five helicopters above as well as streets closed off. Being a celebrity myself, it's not unusual to see some paparazzi fanfare but puh-leeaaaase. As it turns out, there was a bomb scare. They found some "bomb stuff" in Mostellers Garage*.

While waiting for my client to arrive I stood on the corner of Gay and High Street kind of hoping someone would ask, "Is there a hero in the crowd?" It never happened.
The hero of the day was the hot roast beef sandwich I enjoyed at Kildare's (except, unfortunately it was on a poppy seed encrusted potato roll).

*West Chester garage stories within the last year:
- Man jumped off Justice Center garage 2 weeks ago.
- Borough battles with the West Chester University over new garage.


  1. I'm just glad you're ok! Who's the other nosy body in the pic?

  2. Wait. You were on the corner of Gay and High? Huh. Just what kind of "clients" were you meeting?

  3. Damn. I just read this online and I was gonna make a funny post about you being the bomber. Oh well, you snooze you lose.

  4. A high-profile celebrity like yourself should be wearing full battle armor whenever you venture out into public. Please be more careful!

  5. Cue: Mel Gibson.

    --Animal Mind

  6. High profile at Gay and High? Shut-up!

    Who serves roast beef on a poppy seed potato roll? geez


  7. Gwen - the old joke about West Chester is you go in high and you come out gay. As for the other guy - he's some nobody.

  8. Some Guy - Dats a good von.
    Sista #2 - I hear ya.

  9. Great minds think alike. The Hometown also mentions this event. I however arrived later in the day, walking my dogs uptown to catch the story first-hand, most likely missing your lunch outing. Someday tho, our paths will meet.

  10. All I had was a joke about "Gay" and "High" streets, but Gwen beat me to it^^, so I'll just skulk off now and come around again when there's another post. Good one, Gwen!

  11. I love Kildares! Favorite place on Gay...

  12. last year I experienced the same thing in Soho. I was in LDN on holiday, I was walking back to my hotel when the whole soho area was shut down with yellow tape.
    There had been a chemical bomb scare, a weird smell was hovering in soho.
    It turned out to be and for me personally I find it hilarious, a Thai resturrant that were making chili paste but it got burned so it gave off a weird smell. I laughed...

  13. So I was standing on the corner of Church and High, waiting to meet the mild-mannered milquetoast I had hired to perform various menial tasks for me. Suddenly, a little old woman shrieked, and a man yelled "Is there a hero in the crowd?"

    We all kind of looked at each other to see if there were any spectacle-wearing milqetoasts about to tear off their suits and spring into action, but nothing happened. Finally, we all kind of went home.

  14. I was watching this yesterday and thinking of you. Was hoping you were one of the guys they interviewed on the street.


  15. Wait, wait, wait. The Justice Center is in West Chester? And they have a garage? Who the hell else drives to work there, aside from Batman?

  16. It took forever to get home yesterday! It was smooth sailin' down 202 and I had "You Really Got Me" blaring in the car. My buzz was totally killed when I realized Gay was shut down. Something about inching along the streets of WC doesn't do it for me so I had to turn it down to a more acceptable measure of decibels.

  17. The fact that there's an intersection of Gay and High Streets has always been my favorite thing about West Chester.

  18. I really need to read faster. I'm about the 37th person to think they're funny with a "corner of Gay and High" joke.

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