Monday, September 1, 2008

Dummy...Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

People have wars over the most absurd things. One minute you're having a fun filled conversation - the next your slappin' someone upside da head. The arguments can arise from anything:

Does Sarah Palin look more like Tina Fey or Edith Prickley?

Did the Jesus kill the unicorn in the garden of Eden or did it escape using it's powerful horn?

Is that garment Kim Jong-Il is wearing a shirt or a jacket?

We all know the answers are Prickley, escape and shirt, but is it worth dying for? I ask, "Why can't we be friends?" Now shut up dummy and enjoy this classic:


  1. Then does that make McCain Guy Caballero? Hahahahah!

  2. Kirby: Yes it does. And the cabinet will include the Schmenge Brothers, Sammy Maudlin, Bobby Bittman and Bill Needle.

  3. I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company......
    (c'mon everyone, sing along, you know the words!)

  4. I just saw this. How the fuck did I miss this earlier? Was this post actually hiding from me? Did you have it tagged "invisible post" and therefore it followed your instructions and donned its cloak of invisibility? I will probably never know the answers to these questions, but I am going to bed now to think about them, long and hard. And maybe sing a little lullabye called Bubble Up to get myself to fall asleep.

  5. Falwless: You've got to be careful on TBY Video Weekend Bo-nanzas because I post many important videos. Take it a little slower next time.

  6. Sorry, it's prickley - escaped - and jacket.

  7. I can't wait for Dr. Tongue's 3D House of Pregnant Teenage Daughters.
