Thursday, October 16, 2008

Message From Dr Zibbs Concerning A Bunch Of Chicks

...and now a word from Carl..

Carl: uhh...Hi. I'm here. My name is Carl. I was pulled off the street to tell everyone that Dr Zibbs is very ..OWWWWWWW..Busy. He did actually have a meeting tonight but appreciates all of the ladies fighting over a potential brawl at the Philadephia Marriot. And he....STOP PINCHING ME!... he wants you to know that you're all special. Stay tuned. OK WHERE'S MY PROMISED PBR POUNDER.....Hey. Stop hitting me!! Oh yeah, make sure you're all washed well in all regions. I don't know what that means, I was just told to say that.


  1. Hi, Dr Zibbs here. I just wanted to point out how Carl left yellow on that one word. Typical bum. Gotta go.

  2. Damn I thought that hi-lighted word was a link to a live jello wrestling match.

  3. The brawl hasn't started until I arrive.

  4. Hey- I thought I was the ONLY girl waiting for you! crap.

  5. Woohoo! Enc's fighting TOO? This is getting good...

    Btw, I DO LIKE red wine-so there better be red wine. LOTS AND LOTS of red wine!!

  6. Come Lord Jesus Be Our Guest.

    Wait...I have a meeting to attend AND IT'S ALL DAY LONG!!!

    - Jennifer

  7. I like red hair way more than red wine.

  8. In my biceps picture, I'm wearing a red bikini.

    I'm just sayin'.

  9. LOL!! Prove it, Sass.

    Totally not fair... I'm going to need someone to take a picture of these guns in a bikini! Any takers?

    Ok, let's face it. I don't have a red bikini and I'm probably not posting a picture of myself in a bikini! ;)

  10. Yeah Sass, let's have a link to that bikini pic!

  11. Falwless - THESE days? Oh that.Is. Rich.

  12. All in good time, my friends...

    All in good time.

  13. Oh come on Sass - let's do this! Let's see this amazing red bikini. MelO, you can just show us a picture of your beautiful red hair. It is quite beautiful!
