Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Blog Is Packed With Celebrity Readers

I had a feeling that my blog was a hub for celebrities. The other day I wrote in this post how Anonymous (the blogger who believed in miracles) is a local celebrity.

Then, just yesterday in the comments section of this post, Chele (aka Michele Waagaard) revealed that she's a celebrity. Chele was the model of the year in Thailand, was in the girl band JAMP (see videos on Youtube) and was a VJ for MTV Thailand. Damn!!! We should talk privately Chele. Maybe there's a project we can work on together. If you haven't seen her blog, check it out. Read her recent post about ashtrays. Great stuff.

I'm fine with the fact that TBY is chock full of celebrity readers. In fact, I'm glad that they can find a little retreat over here. All I'm asking is that the rest of them come out of the closet and reveal themselves. How many more of you famous people are reading my blog? I'd have to guess conservatively between 75 and 100 (that's counting the washed up people).

OK...Hold on for a second. All non celebs please look a way for a minute....OK, celebs, if you want to remain anonymous, just spell your name backwards. I'll take that as a code that you want your identity to stay hidden.

..Alright...Everyone can look now. If any of my nobody readers have any suspicions as to the famous people that are disguising themselves as common folk, please feel free to out them in the comments section. Here are just a few hunches I have (and to think that some of these celebs actually get pictures of everyday folk and put them on their blogs to help with their charade? ... that is downright precious):

Gwen - Brian Dennehy

Fancy Schmancy - The guy in ghost with the droopy eyelids and the huge forehead (I know he's dead which makes it even a bit more creepy).

Enc - Carrie Ann Inaba

Red - George Clinton

Grant Miller - Buddy Hacket

OK people. Begin


Fancy Schmancy said...

You got me. You are being stalked by the ghost of Vincent Schiavelli. I'm actually much better looking as a corpse than I was when I was alive.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually Anthony Robbins.

Anonymous said...

Also, Falwless is Jimmy Buffet.

SkylersDad said...

I have been mistaken for Chris Elliott, if that counts for anything...

Red said...

I am flattered you think I'm someone as cool as George Clinton, but I'm actually Hillary Clinton. Sorry to disappoint.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Okay Zibbs, you got me. But you can't tell anyone else, right? I'm actually Prince Charles. Tell anyone else and I'll fucking kill you like I killed my first wife. Got that?

Real Live Lesbian said...

Hey, Angelina Jolie here...just thought I'd pop by. All the cool celebs are doin' it! ;)

Chele said...

Thank you dr.zibbs for sharing my unusal past with everyone here.
you really had to put it all out there, huh? *feels sudden pressure that I really have to do write good posts.* lovely.
Mind you JAMP was 11 years ago.

Dr Zibbs said...

Chele - I figured since you put a link in my comments it wasn't a big deal. You should write some blog posts about the days of JAMP. I'd love to hear some of the stories.
And to Prince Charles and Angelina Jolie - greetings!

dmb5_libra said...

i'm actually miss jay from american's next top model. that's right, i'm a man and i'm beautiful.

Feisty Democrat said...

Dr. Z. you fool! You're being conned. They looked away during the part with the code.

Darb Ttip

Feisty Democrat said...

I already posted about my You Tube video.

Chele said...

hehe dont worry about it. I was just going through my google reader and read your post when I go
¨hey he is talking about me.¨ it was weird.
There are some old posts from jamp days, yeah I never followed through writing too much about em. maybe i should.

Verdant Earl said...

OK, you got me.

I am one of the male members of the most popular musical group to ever come out of Sweden.

I'll spell it backwards for ya.


Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Keep it a secret, ok? Thanks!

Gwen said...

How did you know? I am indeed imposing, barrel chested, and now silver-haired US actor Brian Dennehy. Over the years I've enjoyed playing men of power who in addition to being corrupt, are just plain mean.

(The information contained in this comment was stolen from imdb, because they know me better than I know myself.)

Anonymous said...

I used to dance on Dance Party USA...with Kelly bout them apples? Is that "celebrity" enough for ya? No autographs, please. :P

Dr Zibbs said...

Kimmie - Dance Party USA? That was like Dancin' On Air. You need to do a post about that. Need to see that big hair.

Anonymous said...

Celebrity - let's break it down.

Cel - ebrate - your - T

That's right. I'm Mr. T

MJenks said...

I'm really Gary Coleman.

Dr Zibbs said...

Mathdue - I checked out the video. I like the authentic spit portion when you're yelling at your "son"

Mo said...

ohmygodohmygodohmygod, can I get Brian Dennehy's autograph? Pleeeeease?
F/X used to be one of my favorite movies...I'll keep everything on the DL, I promise.

Anonymous said...

The sista's are really Lucy and Ethel.
They are not dead


~amy said...

my boobs are thelma and louise. does that count?

Elizabeth said...

I'm off to do another episode of "Dancing With the Stars"

More later!~


words...words...words... said...

I'm that ski jumper on Wide World of Sports that tomahawked (aka "the agony of defeat guy"). I've moved on, and now I'm a Paralympic wheelchair basketball gold medalist.

Anonymous said...

I actually laughed out loud when I read your comment on my post (about casually stepping out from behind a tree to reveal yourself to a reader)! Funny stuff.

I'm the star of an imaginary reality show, but I somehow doubt that it's quite the level of celebrity you were looking for. I'll keep you posted if I ever become famous.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and yes - calling someone at least three levels below you "fatty" is a-ok.

Vodka Mom said...

Wait a minute. I thought I was Angie Jolie. Then who the hell am I? And if this isn't Brad asleep next to me, then I want my money back.

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova Darling - you are one of my new fav blos. (P.S. fav is short for favorite)

Anonymous said...

Most of my friends just call me Giselle. But you can continue calling me Suzel if you'd like. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to a modeling shoot.

McGone said...

I'm Spartacus!

Falwless said...

I can't stop laughing at both this post and all these comments. I've read this like 7 times today and it keeps getting funnier.

I think I need sleep.

Smoochies said...

I'm my own little fantasy land.

BeckEye said...

I'm Christian Siriano. I can prove it.




Leonesse said...

redav htrad

Whiskeymarie said...

You poor, silly, confused man. Gwen isn't Brian Dennehy, silly. She's Bryant Gumbel.

Easy mistake for a rookie to make.

Kathie Lee Gifford

Anonymous said...

*phew* thank you for not blowing my cover...

Mary Lou Retton

ÄsK AliCë said...

Wow I can't belive you didn't figure out my secret identity.

Let's see if you can work your head around this:

yrennoc...Neas Yrennoc

I think Falwless is actually George Bush. Think about it.