Sunday, November 30, 2008

Le Triplets de Belleville - Coolest YouTube Video

I'm not too good at French but I believe the title above can loosely be interpreted as "The Triplets of Belleville". It's probably best to ask your French teacher though. You don't want to quote me on that and months later come back whining because everyone has been saying you're stupid.

Anyways, has anyone ever seen this? This is one of the weirdest videos. I love it. I especially love the tiny creatures and their dance moves. Especially the move where you lean forward, swinging your arms and kicking your legs back. Is there even a name for that? I've been doing that move for years and I'm a bit embarrassed that I don't even know what it's called.


  1. That's flippin' fantastic! Wish I had the translation.

  2. You know... I enjoyed that, and I don't know why. I watched the entire 3 minutes and 18 seconds, smiled and bounced a bit. I liked the little dancing people too, and I liked the animated old woman at the table playing her jowly cheeks. Thanks guy-above-average-height. I might even show my sons this one!


  3. It's pretty crazy huh? I saw it a few years ago when it was being touted for an Oscar or some such. Freaky good.

  4. The animation stuff is from the film a few years back of the same name, but the rest of it is a music video from Mathieu Chedid (M).

    Weird dude

  5. I liked the old cartoon dude playing his cheeks.

    I can do that you know... Yeah, mad cheek skillz!

  6. C'est si bon et magnifique! Merci, le médecin, merci!

  7. I didn't know Eddie Munster was french.

  8. AND, I love the video! I'm sure I'll be back to watch it AGAIN!!

  9. Et, pourrais-je ajouter, que vous trouverez le plus de choses!!

  10. BE Earl - thanks for the info!
    Retarded Smart Dumbness - Welcome to my retarded blog.

  11. OMG, that was awesome! I loved that guy on the couch that was singing, but I really loved the arthritic old bitties - they were doggone talented, eh?


  12. Someone gave us a copy of that movie years ago, when my son was still pretty small, but he loved it. We watched it together, many times.

  13. Wasn't one of the arthritic old bitties Nana Zibbs?

  14. that was freaky.

    p.s. your French fucking rules!

  15. all this time, i thought i could only use my vacuum cleaner to make fart noises. apparently i can use it to make french music too.

  16. HAHA... you were soooo right...that was flippin fantastic... I LOVE weird creepy things... I mean what was the freak thinking

  17. WTF?!?!

    I didn't think I was still drunk but after watching that video I think I have to doubt myself.

  18. It does sorta get in your head, doesn't it?

  19. Wow, freaky yet very very cool!!!

    Where do you find these fun things??


    - Jennifer

  20. Isn't that move called "the running man"? I don't pretend to really know, but that could be some animation variation of that dance move.

  21. Odd video, but I enjoyed it. The singer had some really amazing moves! Hope you had a great weekend Zibbs.

  22. i've never watched it, but apparently we show it to our students all the time...

  23. If I recall correctly from my tap days, they are called reverse or backward scissor kicks. I could be wrong. I'm bummed I had to watch without sound at work...

  24. very entertaining, Zibbs. You always find good YouTube videos for us!
