Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ricardo Montelban Was One Smooth Operator

In high school, one of the cars I used to drive was the Chrysler Cordoba. In addition to the huge V8 engine, one of the benefits was being able to say to the ladies, "Would you like to have a seat on my soft Corinthian leather?" Just try and tell me that Ricardo Montelban doesn't make the car seem pretty cool in this commercial. I dare you.

Except how much cooler would it have been if my best friend was a white tuxedo wearing midget who addressed me as, "Hey Boss" (pronounced: Both)? Yup. At least 5 times cooler.


  1. Vodka - WHAT? it was the car my Dad bought for the kids to use.

  2. I think having a midget best friend would be cool now but back then it might've scared the fillies.

  3. lol, I wasn't sure who you were talking about at first, but that is the guy I had pictured. Yeah, what a suave guy.


    Oops, sorry, wrong role...

  5. We had one of those! A 1975-gold with a vinyl top! Classy! Corinthian Leather! Actually ours didn't have that-it was the cheaper model I guess!

  6. Is corinthian another word for simulated?

  7. Smooth as silk. Back in the "Fantasy Island" days-Montelban could have sold anything. Love the vintage TV.

  8. Ricardo was on sexy dude. The car, eh, not so much. I just love the way he says it, though.

  9. As long as you had appropriate protection when taking the "ladies" out in the Cordoba. I'm talking safety goggles just in case you had to jump start the battery when traveling the back roads of Chester County, know what I mean?

  10. im in art school, so when i hear "corinthian," i hear "columns," and that doesn't sound comfortable at all.

    in fact, it sounds a little dirty.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. If you bought Ricardo Montalbán's old Cordoba and it turn out to be a lemon, would that make him a KHAN-man!


  13. Scope - I read this earlier but just commenting now. This was the first laugh of my day.

  14. "I like what they have done to my car."
