Friday, November 7, 2008

Seriously. It's A Long Way To The Top If You Want To Rock And Roll

I usually try to start the weekend by posting a song. Many of you know this song from the end of The School of Rock with Jack Black - which is a great movie - but the real rockers know this song from ACDC. If you haven't heard this one in a while crank it up! And when have the bag pipes been used so effectively in Rock? Hmmm?

Care to share any memories of this song?


  1. The year: 1996.
    The drug: Magic mushroom tea with a spoonful of honey.
    The concert: AC/DC.
    The crime: Rockin' too hard.
    The memories: Few.

    I have no idea if they played this song or not that night, I just remember Angus Young being at one end of the stadium one minute, then the next minute he emerged from the other end of the stadium. And the guy never stopped playing. He was invincible.

    Then after the concert we were at a party at someone's house and there was this hot chick in the kitchen and I was grabbing her boob with kitchen tongs. (I guess my hands would have been better in hindsight.)

    It was a surreal night. But I remember so very little. That means it was good.

  2. I love videos where the band rides through town on a truck. That's just rock right there.

    Also, AC/DC doesn't get enough credit. They're more reliable than a Swiss watch. And MUCH louder.

  3. I play this in my Spinning class. I make people "climb." It's a long way to the top, after all.

    I love bagpipes. I'm 1/4 Scottish. That should explain a lot.

  4. I am gonna take some pride in this post, was it my post yesterday that reminded you of this song?
    Kicks ass...

    my memory is from a karaoke bar in 2002, oh yes I even wore leather pants when I did my version of this song...I rocked!!
    Plus I rock the dancefloor when this comes on as well..hello tambourine queen

  5. can I just say that I LOVE that damn movie? (School of Rock) The Golden BOy and I watch it together all the time. LOVE IT.

  6. Chele - it must have been in my head after reading your blog. Also, I do love the soundtracks that you list for each song.

  7. Are you a 500 pound man who can't leave his house?

  8. Anonymous - I create the brilliance and my staff of 20 does the actual shit work. That's how I'm so prolific - if that's what your're referring to. In fact, right now I'm speaking these comments through a bullhorn atop my mighty throne while one of my peons does the actual typing. It's good to be Dr Zibbs.

  9. You know Zibbs, I might actually believe that.

  10. I think the AC/DC concert was last night here. On my way home from work, I saw hundreds of people in t-shirts proclaiming their love.

  11. AC/DC made more great songs with 3 chords than most bands do with 100.

    A very efficient group, don't you think?

  12. Anything AC/DC brings back memories of riding to high school in my brother's friend's pickup truck, wedged in one of those stupid half-seats in the back, with AC/DC blasting from the speaker right behind me. I love AC/DC, but full volume at 7 a.m. every day? Not the best way to start my day.

  13. I hear this one quite often because it is off my favorite AC/DC album, High Voltage. Brian Johnson filled in nicely, but I still like the Bon Scott stuff better.

    Such a great band. They have a formula and do not stray from it. I was listening to the Black Ice album the other day and some of the songs sounded like they could have easily made the cut on Back-n-Black.

  14. Kristen - welcome to my amazing blog.
    Gasgwar - I agree. I think a lot of the songs could go on many of the albums.

  15. My boyfriend in high school loved AC/DC. I won tickets to the Fly On The Wall show in a radio contest and I gave them to him. He also got my virginity, but that's another story. He did bring me a shirt from the show.

  16. I love ACDC! Great band! I love BS era ACDC better! BJ is ok, but I only liked BinBlack and a few others after that-maybe one or two from the new one. They have signature guitar sound-people try to copy it, but....errr no! They can't! And these guys had a sense of humor!

  17. I love me some AC/DC. I think it's a requirement if you're from Waste Chester.
