Monday, November 3, 2008

A Video About Foot Care And Gypsies Made By Me

I post a lot of videos but this is one of the few made by me. Conceived, written and acted - by me. Dr Zibbs. My voice to your ears. own voice imitating what I think a gypsy lady would sound like.

Since you don't know what my real voice sounds like you'll have to trust me when I tell you that I should win an award for this. When I hear it I often ask, "Hey, who let that Gypsy Lady in here? What's going on here?" Then I realize that the voice is actually mine and I slowly release my clenched hands from my wallet. You know those gypsy. Thieves.

I've posted it before but thought my new readers might like to view it. To see it, hold onto your hats and click here.

And while you're on You Tube, feel free to email it to your friends. All of your friends. Seriously.


  1. Ummm, welll.....okay....
    Your very scarey!!

    I need a beer!

    - Jennifer

  2. Ok. Is the picture of that gypsy lady Cher?

    Are those your feet in the video?

  3. Is this gypsy woman from the Bronx?

    You scare me.


  4. I believe I've actually been to this spa. I needed some serious mojo to recover from an epically bad hair day, so I spent most of my time there in the penthouse suite at the top of the spa, not in the gypsy foot spa off the back alley.
    But I think that's the lady that served me my jasmine tea, because she talked in the same weird way I imagine that Alvin the Squirrel would use after smoking a few too many Spliff Cigars.

  5. Glad those are not your feet - I would have been grossed out a bit. I don't know how our BFF status would have held up....

  6. I was all set to come and get "things fixed" until you mentioned the Monkeys. I hate those bastards!

  7. Terrific! You should do prank calls like the Jerky Boys.

  8. Jesus, you're a weirdo. Oh, I laugh. It's funny. But you're a weirdo.

    Also, how much? My feet really stink. I could use some work.

  9. nothing more elusive to find than a person with the 3rd toe that is bigger than the BIG toe. i am disturbed by that video.

  10. I find it amusing that I was also saying, "AHHHHH" at the same time the video was saying the same thing. And I have some pretty nasty toes... You repel and attract me at the same time.

  11. Hey! You caught me with my pants down over at my site - I wasn't yet done with that post when you commented. I hit publish early to test the picture and you caught me! It's a much better post now. Swearsies.

  12. holy crap i have no words for that... :)

  13. I think this is one of the first things I saw when first visited your blog. I've been hooked ever since. It's an incredible piece of video.

  14. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.

  15. I think what impressed me the most is the fact you commented on your own video.

  16. Question: you know that annoying uncle from The Nanny? No, not that annoying uncle...the other one. Did you by any chance decide to channel your inner jewish old man when making this video? Just asking...

  17. Zibsy, as a new reader to your blog I found that video to be strangely twisted yet utterly satisfying. I may need to reconsider why I rush to your blog some 2 times a day. Just kidding..I guess I really have to appreciate what goes on in the creative process of your mind. Hey! You think I could post that some day in my blog with my other beauty tips?

  18. Some Guy - yeah this was the video that Falwless saw a few months ago and linked to. Kind of got me into the whole blog network.
    E - I've only seen parts of the Nanny but if what you're saying is correct there will be a law suit.

  19. Okay - I seriously almost puked looking at those hairy toes and fungus covered toenails. FOUL.

    (Funny accent though.)

  20. The sound of Zibbo's voice is like music to my ears.

  21. Lol.
    I definatly treat my feet like kings and queens.
    even my little foot.

