Friday, December 19, 2008

Celebration, Books, Bees and Me

So my Friday send off song this week is Celebration by Kool and the Gang? What am I celebrating? Well, my wife's book club is having their year end party so we're going to someone's house for cocktails and then off to the West Chester Country Club for dinner so I guess we're celebrating..... the Secret Life of Bees? ....or one of those other books that I've seen around my house....who knows.

Actually it's a great group and it's going to be a lot of fun. But if the subject of books does come up, I'm totally prepared to steer the conversation back to my blog. Which is kind of like a book but way more sexy and interesting then a book about beekeeping that doesn't contain a single picture of someone getting stung by bees or a person wearing a beard of bees. I don't get it.

I dedicate the song this week to Franki (just started really reading her blog and I love it!) and Southern Belle and Cora. So make sure to check out their blogs. Remember, it's commentors like these that keep my ego huge, powerful and healthy.

To hear the song, put on your dancing shoes and click here.


  1. For the record, you did just say that going to your wife's bookclub dinner was going to Did I get that right?

  2. Color me intrigued. Exactly how DOES one celebrate the secret life of bees? Please enlighten me - I'm all abuzz!


  3. Read your posts about your sexy dream to the bookclub, you will give all the ladies the vapors!

  4. Thanks for the love, Zibbs! I feel like a really truly blogger now!

    *rests on laurels, waits for patented Zibbs Bump*

  5. PS - I loved the Bees novel, but the movie is bound to be rubbish.

  6. How did you know I was dancing around in me panties to that song? Your practically clairvoyant!

  7. I hope you guys had a great time.
    Great song. Great book.

  8. Classic song choice. I'm thinking "Just Dance" should be one of your next picks, though I must admit I like the song better than the video ...

  9. book club dinner? I hope you're doing this to try to talk one of those ladies into a threesome, otherwise, we might have to remove your man card.

  10. are you celebrating the fact that bees DO have a secret life?

  11. heeehee- slop- good one.
    Zibsy, you sure do get around. I know your presence is requested or um, required, at all the great parties. Check out the stir you are causing over at my place!

  12. Book clubs are cool? Don't forget your reading glasses!!

    Happy Snowy Saturday!

    - Jennifer

  13. Does book club = sexy librarians? No? As bees were a topic of one of the books maybe you'll get lucky and have honey drizzled all over your body as the women slowly..........wait.

    I've been to that country club.

    Don't forget your argyle socks and saddle shoes.

  14. Queen Goob it did get a bit sexy. One of the guests let me squeeze her fake boobs.

  15. What?! The Secret Life of Bees doesn't have any death by Bee stings or people wearing bee beards? Crap. I just got it as a gift and was going to read it, but now that idea is shot to h*ll. Thanks for warning me. I would have been p*ssed had I gotten half way through it and not had any of those things. With my luck it would have been Chick-Lit.
    you're a good man, Dr. Zibbs

  16. I found your blog while looking for info about beekeeping. I assure you that if you're looking for stories about stinging, I'm likely to have them this Spring. First hive. Very exciting. Also-I've got a fiction blog about life down South. Take a gander, if you dare.

    P.S. I'm originally from Delaware.
