Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chester County Blogger Claims, "I'm Bigger Than Google"

If blog followers were like currency and the number of blog posts were like your age, I'd humbly be like Thurston Howell III but with my ball sack hanging down past my knees. "Excuse me Lovey.....would you mind calling Gilligan? I've got an itch on my nut and I can't reach it."

And why? Do you see that I have 89 blog followers and this post is #464? Move over fattest twins on mini bikes and cow with two heads because they've got to be putting me in the Guiness Book of World Records soon because I've never seen anything like this. We've got a record on our hands probably.

I just hope that I reach 100 followers before I write my 500th post. So for anyone who becomes a follower from now until blog follower 100, I'll give you a link. For free! And if you don't think you'll get a lot of traffic, check out what a new blogger named Scope has dubbed the Zibbs effect. Awwww yeah!


  1. Only 464 posts? I thought 464 posts is what you would call "a slow Thursday."

    You are a master and my hero. (Take notes, gnu followers, take notes.)

  2. So if I "un-follow" you and then re-sign as a follower, do I get a link?

  3. LegalMist - I knew that was coming. The answer (unlike Grant Miller Media - which I just found out is fixing his award contest because I had 17 votes and now I have 13 he and owes me an explaination and maybe a six pack) is no.

  4. Holy crap I just got my 90th follower! It's working!

  5. I wish I could, but....Blogspot exclusive. :(

  6. Those weren't minibikes. Those were regular motorcycles. That's how fat those fat fucks were.

  7. Ah, dammit, LegalMist beat me to it.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I hate to rain on your parade Zibsy, but one of my favorite bloggers, Vodka Mom has- are you ready for this? are you sitting down?? 190 followers!!! That's a measly 100 more than you right now! oooh, I smell a competition coming on. Really, who HAS 190 FOLLOWERS????
    BUT!!! I am MORE than certian in the next few days you will catch up!!! Good luck!!!

  10. Was Lovey too much of a "lady" to scratch her husband's balls when they itched? Or was she just a frigid bitch?

  11. I've been left in the dust.

    I bow to you.

    Did you get that comic I sent you?


  12. You can thank us in the morning for your 90th follower! Cowguy is OURS DAMNIT, He's our follower. Okay, we will let you have him also!!

    Wishing you luck on your goal!

    Happy Hump Day!
    - Jennifer

  13. I kinda like you and all but no way am I joining your cult.

    Koolaid Pusher.

  14. Damn, I'm sick for a week and you've posted like 50 times. I'll never catch up.

    I became a follower a while ago and would like a link please. Anyway you don't have a "J" blog. I would like to fill that need. ;)

  15. does it count that i now follow your blog but i don't do the whole blogger platform following thing.

    google reader is where it's at.

    i bet technically you have WAY over 100.

  16. The Gilligan nut-scratch episode was my favorite!

    The only reason I haven't added my name to your list is that I don't follow and I don't lead. I get out of the way. (Actually, I do what George Carlin suggested - I obstruct.)

  17. J Hi - You have a link. Right there on my Followers list. As for the blogroll I think you're on it but the site has been closed for weeks.

    Alexa - I kind of counts but did you know if you set up the follows thingy and you follow someone it automatically puts them in your Google Reader list. It's a fact.

  18. You're just like those businesses rewarding only the new customers with perks! What do us old customers get? Squat, that's what!

    You kids get off my lawn, now where in tarnation are my reading glasses...

  19. Hey, you are up to 92 now. Seriously, you are behind the times, man. :D

  20. Those are pretty impressive numbers, Zibbo. I have no doubt you'll reach your goal. You're magical like that.

  21. I can already feel the Zibbs effect taking place. Or...wait, what the hell is that I'm feeling?

  22. it's because of all the charm and wit, you know.

    and of course the yak picture

  23. I agree with Candy on VodkaMom, and she's only been blogging for like 6 months.

  24. I agree with Candy on VodkaMom, and she's only been blogging for like 6 months.

  25. Fancy Schmancy - Thanks for helping with my low self esteem. Friend.

  26. You know, Zibbs...I'm just gonna put this out there. Kinda try it on and see how it feels...

    If you were moving along at MY rate of speed, you'd have gathered approximately .87 followers per post. So really, you should be striving for...hold on...435 followers by your 500th post.

    I'm just sayin'.

    Nothin' but love for the Blue Yak, though. Seriously.

  27. Stupid question....

    How do you know how many follower's you have?

    Sista #2 here is a virtual virgin when it comes to all the doohickies that go along with the blogs. #1 usually takes care of all that. We may have a follower thingy that I dont know about.....she keeps things from me, ya know.

    Help a sista out would ya??? Then maybe, you can add yet another stalker....i mean follower.


  28. i think i'd be more like Re-Run from Whats Happening..

  29. Sista #2 - You see that huge thing on the sidebar that says "Follows"? That's how I know. If you want to be a follower, just click below it where it says, "follow this blog"

  30. Warning: The Zibbs Effect has been known to cause seizures, dizziness, diarrhea, hepatitis C, priapism, and some rare and sudden occurrences of death by hanging have been reported.

  31. I read the Zibbs Effect. I wonder what the "dead cat bounce" sound like.


  32. Holy crap! 94! I have like 4. dang.

    Watch this:

    Hey everyone, go over to Hometown Hangover www.hometownhangover.blogspot.com. We have free puppies and ice cream.

  33. I had to scroll through all of the followers to remember if I was in there or not. (I am.)

    You know who ELSE is in there as a follower? Yup. YOU are, Dr. Zibbs. Does that even count? I would imagine you are up to date on your own blog, without having to follow it from over there---->

