Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who Wants To Play The Love Boat Game?

I wonder what washed up actors will show up on this week's episode of the Love Boat?

Here's how to play: Write up to three names in the comments section of actors you think will be in this episode of The Love Boat. Then, come back up and watch the Youtube clip.

Did you win? If you did, that means you were a loser growing up watching this while the rest of us cool people were out drinking beer. Congratulations!


  1. The Love Boat was before my time, I'm afraid. I understand something named Charo was on it a lot.

    Family legend goes that my dad banned my brother & sister from watching it on the grounds that it was morally reprehensible (so naturally they watched it every chance they got).

  2. Charo because she's a safe bet, Erin Moran, and Charles Nelson Reilly.

    God, I hope I'm right.

  3. I was so close!!!! Marion Ross. Bitch.

  4. I was so disappointed on my first cruise to find out that Julie wouldn't be on board, damn I had the hots for her! I was waiting for her to ask me to "come aboard" because she had been expecting me.

  5. my only guess is one of the guys from Battlestar Galactica, or that dude from Greatest American Hero.

  6. I barely remember TLB, but I'll guess David Cassidy, Sammy Davis Jr, and Shelly Winters. Do I win??

  7. Ooooh that pisses me off!!! I ALMOST guessed EVE PLUMB or MAUREEN MC CORMICK dammit!!!

  8. I've played the Love Boat game before, but it was entirely different.

    Lauren Tewes was involved in that game as well, however.

  9. Hee hee, Earl's comment is funny.

    Is it weird that I got all misty from this clip, like wistful and stuff.

    But I was kind of too young to remember ever watching it?



    Mrs. Hall

  10. De plane boss, de plane!!

    Oh wait, wrong show, right time period.

  11. Okay, I don't know if - as of the time period of the Love Boat pre-rerun airings- if any of those actors were washed up or not. I guess that makes me young or you old. Either way I'm the one sitting in bed while you're out drinking. Congratulations!

  12. How bout Carol Channing, Eric Estrada and Ralph Malph?

  13. I'm sad to say that I used to watch the show religiously (I was 13ish, I think) but don't recognize 1/2 those people. Skip WHO???

  14. I think Charo should have been given a permanent role on that show.

  15. I'll guess Judy Landers, Dick Van Patten, and Bea Arthur.

  16. My guess is Bob Hope, Tatum O'Neal and Benji.

    Please notify me by email if I've won. Thanks.

  17. By the way, was this post in any way prompted by my recent Maureen McCormick/Epstein post? If so I want compensation.

  18. Okay, I'm going to say...Florence Henderson, Rich Little and Lee Majors.

  19. All three wrong!!! I'm sure I was out drinking in some field. I missed that episode.

  20. Some Guy - the Maureen McCormick was a total coincidence but I'll send you some cash anyway.

    Caffeine Court - I'm sure we were in some of the same Chester County fields.

  21. Florence Henderson
    Jack Black
    Susan Lucci


  22. I didn't even play the game, because I was so enamored by the clip. Turns out I still remember every word. Yay for me! I loved that show! I remember being really young and my mother insisting I be put to bed before Fantasy Island, so I wouldn't have nightmares. What a hoot!

  23. I promise I haven't looked at the other comments. Which will probably be obvious when I get none of them right.

    Barbi Benton
    Gil Gerard
