Friday, January 9, 2009

Random Gran Torino Inspired Money Making Scheme

I just remembered that when I saw Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino the other week that when I came out of the theater I was teary eyed. I was a bit panicked because it hit me that if I ran into someone that I hadn't seen in a while I'd be too ashamed to admit why I was crying.

Person: Zibbs, what are you doing here..wait....are you crying?

Me: Um. No..I mean......yeah.

Person: Ha. What movie are you coming from? Marley and Me*? Bride Wars? Don't tell me it was Bride Wars!

Me: I don't know you jackass. I was too concerned trying to revive my dad. He was an usher and he just died. He was in theater #5 right over there. I gotta go. I gotta tell my mom.

So the money making scheme that I mentioned in the title of the post is waiting outside of theaters and photographing people then telling them I want $20 or their cry baby face will be plastered all over the world wide web of the Internets. Does anyone want to get in on the ground floor of this sure fire business? If so, let me know how much seed money you're willing to front.

*And if you want to see a post I wrote about the filming of Marley and Me right here in downtown West Chester, PA -click here. I haven't seen the movie but the West Chester scenes are at the beginning when it's snowing then later when they go to the vet.


Just Dave said...

One suggestion - buy health insurance with emergency room covergae before starting operations. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

That Bizarro guy was right - you do care an awful lot about what people think of you.

Where does that come from?

Anyway, you should think about getting that checked out.

Anonymous said...

That is a fantastic idea! Count me in!

Susan said...

Ok, first off if you're going to start the business, then Marley and Me is the PERFECT movie to stand outside of. Can you say horrid holiday flick??? All it entails is how life with kids can strain any great marriage, and how man's best friend.. oops, I don't want to give it away if you haven't read the book. And I knew the snow scenes had to be from PA -totally looked like that whole area - spent many a meetings at the Mendenhall Inn in Mendenhall, PA...with my HQ in Wilmington and my Bus. Ctr in Chesterbrook.

Cora said...

That would soooo work on the guys! The women wouldn't care, but you could make a KILLING on the men with that plan! (Well, with the exception of Some Guy, of course, because he would just claim he was faking it to annoy his girlfriend and post it on his own blog himself). But with other guys, CHA-CHING! I say do it.

Cora said...

Oh, and can you believe that someone accused me of being on too many cold meds when I composed your Birthday post?! I know - I'm shocked too! Was it THAT obvious?!

Dr Zibbs said...

Cora - as the voice of reason - that person is crazy. Of course this is coming from someone that's taking a commercial break from watching Hannibal.

Morgan the Muse said...

What? You mean.. the dog... what? Aww...

SkylersDad said...

Wait, I'm confused... Did Clint kill the dog in Marley and Me by driving over it while wearing his 3D glasses? Is that it?

Greta said...

Blackmail-Moneymaking-Schemes is my my middle name.

But I usually abbreviate it to B.

Greta B.

So...I'm in.

Mel O said...

Geez... have I been gone that long? You've got a whole section devoted to bacon now??? I always knew I liked you, Zibbs... no matter what anyone else says... you're ok in my book :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in on the new extortion business! I'll go grab my camera and meet you outside the theater!! LOL

Chris said...

You should stake out adult theaters instead and charge those guys $100 not to give their wives the pictures.

ÄsK AliCë said...

I think Chris is onto something - until your wife walks by and asks what the hell you're doing at an adult theater.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, don't get me started on Marley and Me.
I bawled my eyes out with an entire cinema full of middle aged women...on a Monday afternoon...with my mum...

Anonymous said...

You could call it Zibbs Gone Wild. Same marketing plan that uses bribery as its main source of income.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Cry baby...