Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's The Deal With Rumer Willis?

Can someone tell me what's the deal with Rumer Willis? I know her parents are Demi Moore and Bruce Willis but is there anyone who finds her the least bit appealing? If you look here on IMDB you'll see that she's pretty much done nothing. But she shows up on award shows and magazines...

And the looks? She was voted one of the most beautiful people? What?

Now, I'm not asking people to hurl fruit at her when they see here but damn it, someone need to get to to the bottom of this.


Gwen said...

I think she'd be pretty if it weren't for that square jaw. My God! You could cut firewood with that thing.

Also, she needs to lose weight.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Please tell me why she is famous in the first place.

Bella@That damn expat said...

This is why I believe Brad and Angelina's child will be ugly. Rumer is proof that two hots make a not.

Anonymous said...

She was voted one of the most beautiful people??? Is it just me, or does she kind of look like a boy?

Dr Zibbs said...

Gwen - it's not just the jaw. It's the tiny eyes and itty bitty weird nose.

Tova - she does look like a boy.

Rider said...

Perhaps she has a beautiful soul.

SkylersDad said...

I think she is transgender-ing...

Queen Goob said...

The deal is she's fugly. I mean there's only so much the girl can do and so far, she's hasn't found a style to suit her. She used to be a model....cough, cough, for PacSun or some other surfer clothing line (I think)


Cowguy said...

Wait'll the male pattern baldness thing kicks in, she'll look like a rugby ball.

Dr Zibbs said...

Rider - thanks for making me feel like a jerk.

Sornie said...

SHe looks a bit doughy. And I saw her try to act in something last year and it almost made me sick. She is the definition of riding on someone's coattails.

Tash said...

Poor girl. She gets her Mom's facial features but set in her dad's head. And then Mom goes and marries someone she probably had a crush on to begin with.

Lifetime of therapy, party of one.

dguzman said...

She looks exactly the little rat-faced nerdy boys who all hung out together in junior high. Poor kid.

MJenks said...

I think she's really hot...

...until I take the bag off my head and hers falls off, as well.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

You know the old saying, "if I had a dog that looked like her,......yeah, I'd do that.

And Zibsy, you're killing me with the, "I'm not asking people to hurl friut at her when they see her" thing. Good times.

Scope said...

Dr. Zibbs - Before I make my weekend plans, are you xpressly FORBIDDING throwing fruit at her, or while not encouraging not conding, with a smile burried deep in your heart?

And I think one of those poorly CGI'd souls from Ghost soured the egg that would become Rumor with the TAINT of evil. If she had a beautiful soul, she would be working with lepers or someting outside of camera range.

Whiskeymarie said...

Do her ears bother anyone else?

Just me?

All I'm saying is that they do not add to the already unfortunate package that is Rumer.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

It's like someone took an ordinary face, took the features off, stretched the face and then put the features back on it.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think she's a bit scary. Yikes!

Dr Zibbs said...

HAHAH @ Imaginary Reviewer!

Verdant Earl said...

She's okay looking in certain pics, but the real reason she is famous is her parents. That's all anyone needs anymore. Famous parents.

Sassy Britches said...

I think she's a bit awkward-looking myself. However, to her credit, I did see her in House Bunny (yes, I know, the movie itself leaves much to be desired), but she actually did a good job, and looked pretty (if you can believe it). And on the Golden Globes i did not think she looked like she needed to lose any weight! Just stand up straight, like her mom told the entire viewing audience at the microphone...(poor girl should post THAT story on Tova's Totally Awkward Tuesdays)!

saratogajean said...

Poor Rumer. She has Demi Moore's delicate features slapped onto Bruce Willis' man head.

LYDIA said...

I don't know who is more handsome, Rumor or Khloe Kardashian?

katrocket said...

I asked the exact same thing about Maggie Gyllenhaal a few months ago and I got stomped upon by a bunch of idiot freak-loving bloggers. I'm glad you've been spared a similar ordeal thus far.

giraffegirl524 said...

it doesn't even take famous parents for people (even the ugly ones with no talent) to be famous! i don't know the deal with her.. ok ok, her parents are famous, but she's really done nothing.. no one cares!

Lisa said...

Genetics can be funny that way. And by funny I really mean scary. Look at Dennis and Randy Quaid.

Anonymous said...

Well I think you're all mean. Really. Just because she doesn't have that boring, generic, pointy Hollywood look.

No wait...I'm looking at her picture again and I've decided it's more that she has a huge fleshy head and then her face is all squished in the middle of it like a cherry on a cupcake.

J.J. in L.A. said...

The only place I've ever seen her, is on your blog. lol! I think she has potential but there's something funky going on with her chin. Instead of broadback, it's broadchin.

words...words...words... said...

Idiot Freak-Loving Blogger checking in. I think she's kind of cute in the "plain" picture. Short hair does this girl no favors.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for her - that jaw could have only come from Brucey.
Did you know she used to have a crush on Ashton Kutcher (she had posters on her wall) and then mummy came home with him and married him and shiz? Damn, that girl was born to lose. She never stood a chance.
Yes, I read too many magazines.

Anonymous said...

She'd be real pretty.....with a new face.

I am going to hell


Michelle said...



Jill said...

What has she done to warrant such attention...nothing. She's a lucky sperm club member.

~E said...

It's just pure bad luck that having two good looking parents didn't do a damn thing for her looks.

More bad luck = having Ashton Kutcher for a stepdad! HAHAHAHAH...that's not sad LOL that's hilarious.

JDizzle said...

I usually don't think she's that pretty, but she looked nice at the Golden Globes.

Chris said...

Poor girl was born into privledge, I think that is the only deal with Rumor Willis. Just another product of the beautiful people gone horribly wrong.

Cora said...

Just can't explain it. Wish I could, but can't. Sorry.


It isn't just a short haircut that makes her look different in the second pic, if you look closely and get out your ruler, you can see that she's had some of her jaw shaved off. Still fugly tho.

Morgan the Muse said...

Well, she looks like Bruce, so that is a major turn off.

Anonymous said...

I think she looks like a potato

Fancy Schmancy said...

I thought she looked pretty at the Globes, but usually not so much. I kinda feel bad for her, inheriting her father's face instead of her mother's.

Tanya Kristine said...

i think she's incredibly ugly too. kinda like a female jay leno.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey you all, the stunningly gorgeously beautiful bloggers, hiding behind their computers and commenting about a kid who was unfortunate to have the wrong mixture of beauty genes, you are just being mean. How beautiful does that make you feel?

SamCarter said...

I think she is absolutely gorgeous. Whether she is transitioning or not she is beautiful. I would definitely date her. and even futher, marry her.