Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Richard Simmons. Funny "Who's Line" Gay Stuff. Improv Hilarity.

Has anyone ever seen this video of Richard Simmons when he was on Who's Line Is It Anyway?

If you want to see the funniest video with tons of Richard Simmons gay moves - check this out. I had tears coming down my cheeks. And I don't think I've ever seen an audience laughing this hard. Ever.

And note how in the lower right corner it says, "ABC Family". Ironic.

Tell me what you think. You've got to love Richard Simmons with his exercise clothes and big ole' fro. His look hasn't changed in 25 years.


  1. This was a classic. I miss this show, it was great.

  2. OH

    I love that show and that was a GREAT clip!

    Anyone want a coconut?

  3. I always lose it when improv/comedy actors can't contain their own laughter, and it's even better here because they're usually pretty good at keeping their cool.

    Those were by far my favorite three.

  4. He is the gayest fag ever....and making a buck off it. The American way!!

  5. I can't imagine anything more frightening than playing that game with Richard Simmons. That was hillarious.

  6. i love this show more than i love chocolate cake.

    it was so freaking awesome. and yes, i saw this episode. i wonder if i can collect them all on DVD.

  7. Zibs, I think that's what you should wear next time you tell people to meet you at the bar. Will make spotting you easier.

  8. that was so gay my monitor almost burst into flames.

  9. Oh my God! I LOVED that show. I would laugh from beginning to end.

  10. Definitely a performance that will bring tears to anyone's eyes.

    I love watching the actors trying to keep their laughter under control. Reminds me of watching the Carol Burnett Show, the best parts of the show were watching them stifle their laughter to the point of tears.

  11. That was great.

    My woman was having a rough night and it put a smile on her face. Thanks!

  12. I'm almost too embarrassed to tell people that Richard Simmons and I share the same birthday.


  13. Richard Simmons the jet ski, that's funny stuff. He was really in to it, wasn't he?

  14. Arrgghhh! I need help Dr. Zibbs! Please help!

    I just got this laptop and it has Vista..and I can't open any videos on it! Is it just me or is there something I can do?

    I'm dying to see these clips and I can't! I even when to youtube and searched for them and they won't open there either. It just says "This video is no longer available" which is bullhooey.

  15. I have perma grin. My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. I was just wondering. Who pays who? Does the show pay Richard or does he pay the show?

  16. Holy.Shit. I'm embarrassed to say, I loved that and I remember Richard Simmons growing up. My mom used to have all his tapes!

  17. Numberonesista - I'll send a repair guy over to your home now. His name is Arnie.

  18. Yep watched it. I didn't miss a show. Love Drew!! That was probably their best ever!!!

    YAH Baby!

    - Jennifer

  19. OH. MY. GOD. Zibbsy, that was the best!
    I love that show. Thanks for the great laugh. Really.

  20. I agree with those saying one of the best things about this show was they way they'd get cracked up at themselves.

    Greg, Wayne, Colin, and Ryan were my absolute favorite ones.

    Oh, thanks for the laugh today, Zibbsy. That was great.

  21. Ironic? So homosexuals are anti-family, huh?

    What group is next, redheads?

  22. that is one of my favorite clips ever! HA!

    Incidentally, Simmons was at a Walgeens by me last year, and my sister, mom and I went to meet him. He really is that nice. And pretty damn funny. How can anyone not like him? Ever? I love him.

  23. That was hilarious! Richard Simmons makes me laugh just by showing up, and then when he does stuff -- oh, my! I haven't laughed that hard since the last time you posted a hilarious video!

    I used to love when he was on Letterman, too.

    You're always good for a laugh, Dr. Z. Thanks for sharing!

  24. I"LL BE THE PROPS!!!



  25. Zibbs, I had to watch it twice! BRILLIANT! I'm crying-laughing! Oh God, that was GOOOOOD!!!!

  26. I saw it when it aired! I LOVED THAT SHOW!!! Used to be my favorite, one of the FEW shows I actually watched. God I miss it!

  27. Ok... this might make me a total perv... BUT if you look closely you'll notice that Wayne get a hard on from the boat "tie-up"... he tried to hide it w/ the fetal position but it's there...

    Wayne Brady is GAY's pretty clear he liked that game a lot!

  28. I love Richard Simmons. He is just so unapologeticaly happy! Thanks for sharing that, what a riot.

    My word verification is paybal... tee-hee.
