Saturday, February 21, 2009

Moving Day From Ardmore, PA.

So I helped my 89 year old Aunt move out of her apartment today. When anyone moves, there are always people there seeing what they can "get" from the stuff that won't be "moved". Here's the conversation that I heard her having with her 91 year old sister:

Aunt Jane: Margaret you don't want that. It's broken.

Aunt Margaret: I'll get it fixed.

Aunt Jane: No. The top is separated from the bottom, it's not worth it.

Aunt Margaret: I think I want it.

I walk in the kitchen and the item they're discussing?

A plastic dish rack.

And if you'll excuse me I need to get myself gussied up for a fancy cocktail party I'm going to. Mmmmm hmmm.


  1. Was it one of the fancy plastic dish racks from Lowe's or Home Depot? Because, I call dibbs on it if they decide not to keep it.

  2. Did it have the attached silverware compartment on it? What color was it?

    Those things rock.


  3. Damn Sam!

    And 89 year old and a 91 year old! Dude, party hard, you're living for ever!

  4. Fancy cocktail party huh? Don't forget your monacle!

    that was my secret code to submit my comment. I likes.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Aunt Margaret is going to use that dish rack for voodoo, you just watch.

  7. Maybe the dish rack has sentimental meaning. Or maybe she's a miserly penny pincher

  8. God help you when Aunt Margaret kicks it and you have to deal with all those plastic dish racks she hoards...
