Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Heart Just Stopped. Qualities I Like In Women.

Have you ever seen someone and then they start talking and you instantly have a crush on them?

Believe it or not, the typical blond hair big boob chick is not my type. I actually get annoyed when everyone thinks a chick is hot because they've got a hot body. Here are a few things that I'm a sucker for:

- Large, doe-like eyes. And they have to be expressive.

- A smile that lights up the whole face. Not many people have this.

- Laughs at my jokes.

- Curvy with a nice butt.

- Flirty personality.

- Has some type of underlying sweetness in their soul.

And speaking of some of those qualities, here's a blogger that took my breath away not only by her beauty but just the way she talks. Remember how I said I could be a casting director? Tell me this blogger doesn't have star quality. If I ever met her, I think I'd have an instant connection. To see her, click here.


  1. Throw those qualities up on Craigslist and see what you get.

    Worst case, prostitute. And that's the WORST case.

    I see this as a win-win.

  2. I love that accent she's got! Could it be the 'secret garden' site she's inviting people to that caught your attention? I don't know, just thinkin'...

  3. She's too perfect! You just know she has a body buried someplace.

  4. Not to get weird here (I haven't watched the video yet). My younger son has one of those "light up your face" smiles. I was stunned when I saw his first smile when he was a baby.

  5. ...hard pack of Marlboros rolled up in the sleeve of her T shirt that says "Hell yeah I can gut a deer!".

  6. "some type" of underlying sweetness. Every have trouble identifying?

    Yeah, I love the ol' doe-like eyes too.

  7. You and I have the same taste in women, except for the last one. For me, it's a soulless stare, as if she's dead inside and will do anything for $15 or some Taco Bell.

  8. Her accent is really cute, as are her front teeth. What guy wouldn't be crushing on her?

  9. she's very cute and the accent is definitley the kicker!

    Nice pick!

  10. After reading your list of requirements, I shall kindly ask you to stop stealing my wimminz. And you'd have to be dead not to be charmed by that girl.

  11. What!? I thought I was the woman of your dreams!?

  12. awww I agree 100%, jelly baby is so adorable, she is one of the few bloggers I consider real life friends even though I havent met her.
    The twinkle in her eye does it everytime.

  13. Anyone who can say the phrase "Pop along" and still sound cool is OK in my book.

  14. JEALOUS!!!!!

    First, you describe me to a "T" and then you tell me you're actually talking about another, prettier woman!!!???! Whatever. I'll be over there --> pouting all day and emailing with Wordsx3. Jerk.

  15. Huh? Now get back to talking about Julianne!!

    Happy Tuesday!

    - Jennifer

  16. Oh, I can totally see this one. And that accent? Come on now.

  17. Oh my shitting hell!! hahah! Thanks for the million complements Dr Zibbs, I'm now all pink and embarrassed!

    That picture really isn't me though!

  18. Heh, funny to see someone write about PJB like this. Welcome to the pinky party everyone, where have you all been? :-)

  19. pinkjellybaby, your accent is killer! Way better than my MN (don't ya know...)

  20. She'd look awesome with some really huge chesthams, LMAO !!!

  21. Zibbs, you're right - she's totally cute. Somehow I just feel like I wanna hug her. :-)

  22. Personally I prefer witty, intelligent guys who can talk about anything. Of course, I usually tend to fuck brain dead, penniless, musician types with big dicks.

  23. Oh, My God! That accent! Where's she from...Alabama?

  24. I have a huge girl crush on Julianne. I watch that idiotic DWTS show just to see her giggle and laugh.

  25. I guess we ladies are all egomaniacs..because I could have SWORN you were describing me!!!

    I want to thank you for being my top commenter. You're the best.

    Now I will do my duty...as promised.

  26. i will not be envious. lol.

    checking her out now =)

  27. Instant connection to who? Chris Hansen and Dateline? How old is she?

  28. Who is this Julianne Hough from the 2005 OR show...And how can I meet her?!

  29. okay...just how often do you go around telling women that they have star quality? I remember you telling me that I look like someone on tv.

  30. Urban Blond - good one.

    Staci - you're not the only hot blogger.

  31. Yeah-she's hot man! I desire the same features also! curvy and big butt is high on list.
