Monday, March 23, 2009

Yo Lambert! That Homemade Bad Company Jacket Looks Terrible.

There's nothing funnier to me than really bad art. Especially when the artist is really proud of their art but have no idea that it's a piece of shit.

When I was in 8th grade, this kid in my neighborhood tried to draw the Rock and Roll Fantasy album cover on his denim jackets. It was drawn with a black pen. Actually, I'm not sure if it was the cover or just his rendition. It said "Badco - Rock N Roll Fantasy" and showed some hanging dice.

And it was such a crappy drawing and he was so proud of it that I wish you could have seen it.

I picture him, sitting in his room, finishing up the art and holding it up to the mirror. Going back and adding some final touches. He spent so much time on it that he probably didn't even care how crappy it looked. The words were all scrunched up on the right hand side and smaller then the letters on the left. After all, it was Bad Company. It doesn't have to be perfect. This is rock and roll man.

I bet he's got some crookedly drawn tattoos today. Do you want to see the video and pretend you're walking down the street with me and making fun of his jacket? Well then click here.


  1. I had every song on that album memorized. Did we all?

    It's not a very artsy cover tho is it? But hey, they laughed all the way to the bank!

  2. Maybe you could find Lambert on Facebook and see if he still has that jacket. Then you could share a pic with the rest of us.

  3. Oooooo, do a bad tattoo post. I love bad tattoos. My sister has some. Maybe I'll try to get pics.

    I ususally don't do this but my word verification was "laterome" which I think could be a great goodbye phrase.

    Later ome!!

  4. What he would have given for a Sharpee back then! ;)

  5. Rachel - I don't think he ever learned to read so he's probably not on Facebook.

  6. Personally I love bad art. Who wants to look at some blandly pretty picture when you can gaze at this instead? I wish I owned it.

  7. This is like something straight outta Spinal Tap. (Best. Movie. Ever!)

  8. How cool would it have been if he had the Bedazzler to add some sizzle to it.

  9. Bet his tattoos end up on one of Skyler's Dad's bad tattoo posts one day. Just you watch.

  10. I like what the others suggested... we need to find this guy and send him the sharpy and bedazzler!

    heck, he probably owns numerous of both already!

  11. Was it better, worse or on par with the piece of art Pru Jones linked to? Cos frankly, I'm struggling to imagine anything more magnificently awful than that

  12. One of my favorite albums growing up.

    My Bad Co tshirt wearing self rocked out at that concert!!


  13. One summer, Survivor was playing at our town's summer fest.
    Kid who was kind of spazzy throughout grammar school was set up, RIGHT in front of the stage in a lawn chair with a 6 pack size cooler about 3 hours before any music started.
    Final touch? His Hanes underwear tee-shirt that he turned into a fan-shirt with a sharpie. He drew a stick-person Rocky with EYE OF THE TIGER scrawled crazily across the top. Other song titles and drawings also peppered the sleeves, but it is the stick-figure Rocky Balboa that lives in my memory.
    Drawing quality akin to the stick people on

  14. And Sista #2 - please post photos of yourself. If you don't have pics from that concert you can just photoshop a photo of the shirt in. Either way, get to work.

  15. Another Bad Co. hater. I don't get it.

  16. Tony Alva - I love Badco. I just hate crappy, homemade jean jackets.

    And on a side note, your real last name wouldn't be Lambert would it?
