Saturday, April 4, 2009

Windy. The Association. Market Street Grill And West Chester Haircut.

So I just got back from a tasty breakfast at The Market Street Grill in West Chester with my wife. Great breakfast if you're ever in the area. My wife just put a cap on and I said, "You're wearing that? I guess that fine but if we run into any bloggers just play along when I say you're my driver."

Now I'm going back into town to get my haircut at Van Ryn's Barber Shop. Another local business I support. And I'll be battling the 45 mph winds that are whipping around today. When I was in town early I was glad hat my hat my didn't blow off. Nothing worse then when your hat blows off and when you bend down to pick it up it blows away again.

And at what point do you say the hell with it? After four times probably. If people are looking - three.

Maybe after I get my haircut I'll run up to people on High Street in West Chester singing this Windy song by The Association. The Association? The Association of Gay Blades. Have you ever seen this video? And check out my main man on the guitar. I guess they were ground breakers though getting a dude from Guam to play in their band back in the 60's.


Girl Interrupted said...

I need to know what type of hat you wear before I can make a suitably smart-arsed comment

More bands should have someone playing the recorder

Ned Flanders on vocals too ... nice!

Dr Zibbs said...

Girl I - I'd like to say it was a sombrero or another ridiculous hat but it was a simple ball cap. If it helps, it did have the words "Concrete Vibrators" embroidered onto it.


As for the recorder, my love for simple wind instruments lies with the slide whistle.

Prunella Jones said...

I like a tin whistle meself. Reminds me of the green hills of Ireland and drinking beer in the pubs. It's windy there too, that's why they all wear those leprechaun hats with bags of gold hidden underneath them. Fine people the Irish.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming by!

Girl Interrupted said...

You should invest in a sombrero .. it has more comedy value

I googled concrete vibrators ... some of them really are most aptly named. I feel sure one could never be disappointed with a Wacker M2000

Caffeine Court said...

You really do make me miss my hometown. You and Steve-O on "Dancing With The Stars."

Caffeine Court said...

Oh and I really like the Jesus Bandages you have advertised here.

diane said...

I like to play the theme to Hawaii Five 0 on the kazoo. And windy is a term we used for my grandmother, guess why.

Brian said...

It was damn windy today Zibbs, damn windy. Thanks for the comment, I'm following you.

Jeannie said...

I love how they faked it back then - lip synching without mics, guitars without even the cords to the amps. Ah the 60's were an innocent time. And funny how it sounded identical to the recording. I did love that number when I was a kid - my sister had the 45.

Vic said...

I loved the Association when I was a kid. Not the guys (weird even then) but the happy-dippy music.

I want to see your new hair cut! (Still trying, but with very little hope. :)

mo.stoneskin said...

Mate if you get your hair done during a gale won't it mess up your side parting?

Dr Zibbs said...

Jeanie - I'll have to go back and look at that again. Didn't even notice that.

Vic - I'm pretty happy with the haircut. My regular chick was booked so I had someone else cut it. Another hottie. Since I know have the technology to may pictures black and white, and other high tech effect, maybe I'll post a picture but also keep my identity hidden.

Mo S - No parting. I do a bit of gel on the top and swoop the very front up with the gel.

CrotchPains said...

Yikes! The Association? From the looks of this geek squad they should call themselves the
Ass ociation. Any song that featres lead recorder solo should be dismissed. How about TBYers create a list of all time best songs featuring recorder or flute. I'll start:

#1 Undun by The Guess Who (flute)

Dr Zibbs said...

CrotchPains - Dots a Good Von. So when are you going to start a blog?

As for recorders, what about that crappy group...what were they called?......Oh yeah. Rennaisance.

Sass said...

Concrete Vibrators.

Can you get me one of those?

A hat that says that, I mean. ;)

Eric said...

I haven't seen such flutlery since Ron Burgandy.

Vic said...

I'll keep an eye out. :)

SkylersDad said...

A very good hat indeed! I always shop for the cheapest haircut nowadays, since I am, ya know, bald...

Anonymous said...

How about that wind today?! I went to the egghunt at Everhart and about froze my arse off.

So...what's a Benny at MSG anyway?

Did you pick a recipe?

I'm laughing at the idea of running into you and Mrs. Z in town!

Dr Zibbs said...

Kimmie, I went into Bagel Bisto on your reco but I think it's a diff palce now.

As for Benny at MSG? What do you mean?

sista #2 said...

I love me a man with a good solid tamborine.


Fancy Schmancy said...

What a coincidence, I also have stormy eyes. Of course, that may be allergy related...

Anonymous said...

Market St Grille has these specials called "Bennies" and I'm pretty sure they are egg dishes, but I'm not sure.

Bagel Crust changed owners. No comment. :(

Dr Zibbs said...

Kimmie - FYI the Market Street Grill is also now open for dinner. As for the BAgel Crust, we went in, saw a lame selection of Bagels then when out and looked at the sign. And it was gone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I figured I'd give it a few weeks before I tried again, so as not to become a total nag. I think I even scared the poor boy at WC Dish when he asked me to elaborate on what changed at Bagel Crust. I haven't heard from him since I wrote a book.

In the meantime, Country Bagel .99 cent egg and cheese on everything is my weakness. And Fennarios coffee! WHY can't there be just a GOOD place where I can get both slammin coffee drinks and a really good bagel?