Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Breaking News. Someone Bought 2 TBY Mugs. Feed the Ogre.

It's true! Someone bought 2 That Blue Yak mugs from here:

buy unique That Blue Yak gifts at Zazzle

Was it you? Maybe it was you? Or perhaps (looking around)....wait....was it YOU?

Seriously, was it you? And don't lie.

And my good real life friend McGlinch from Feed the Ogre did the design a long time ago so check out his blog if you want to see a great music blog that talks about music (half of which are groups I've never heard of).

But check out his blog anyway and tell him I sent you because he promised me a few sips of the $6 he made off of the mugs he sold. Maybe I'll get a full beer if he gets enough visitors.

And if you're wondering why he gets the money from TBY stuff it's because he did the art for free and I told him if I ever start selling a lot of stuff I'll just dump him. It happens.

Now go and buy some TBY stuff. Thanks.


  1. And may I add that these items are limited edition keepsakes.

    Be a part of history. Do you understand how much these things could be worth someday?

    And I promise to autograph any of these collectibles if I ever meet you in person. For free!!!

  2. No apron? Forget it.

  3. Kimmie, once I move at least $50,000 worth of product I'll put aprons on the list as a possible backend consideration.

  4. Zibbs - If an apron is a "backend" consideration, turn it around. Your're wearing it wrong. :-)

  5. with my luck, as soon as i made that promise i would get a 1000 mug order...

  6. kimmie, i got yer apron right here

  7. Kimmie - there you go. You're gonna look adorable wearing that around West Chester.

  8. What?

    You think you can only wear that when you're cooking?

  9. Awwww, your merchandise is totally cute. If I wasn't in the poorhouse, I would buy something.

  10. Perhaps you bought the mugs. Maybe the wife? Though I would love a drink from you every morning...

  11. I'd wear the apron because the hub has a poor aim and I have way cute clothes.

  12. You know Zibbs. You're kind of like an ogre. With an insatiable thirst for comments.

    So there.

    I've fed you twice.

  13. How much more stuff did you guys buy overnight?

    McClinch, I know I'm not your boss but I'll need a sales report on my desk by nine. And get me a cup of coffee on your way in.

  14. Wow! You have been busy haven't you? You know I wasn't being serious about the whole love thing, right? I actually prefer my love in the nude so unless some nakee pictures are forthcoming, I'm good.
    I want the pin!
    I collect them and it's the bomb!
    And I need a shirt.
    Hmm....I think I know what I'll be doing later today!

  15. Wow. I'm bestowing you with my Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Congratulations!

  16. P.S.: What?! No thongs for sale? Way to know your market, dude.

  17. Hey Zibsy, congrats!

    That is kinda exciting...

  18. WOW. You have product!! I want product! Love the apron. But I have to agree with Katrocket.....ya need Thongs and G-strings.

    Remember us little people when this venture takes off. Maybe Sac's or Neiman's will pick up your line?

    Happy Wed!
    - Jennifer

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Psssst. Hey! Zibbsy! If you make those TBY thongs and G-strings maybe the ladeez will send you pictures of themselves wearing them.I like the look of that apron. You know, my birthday is only 28 days away. I know you have my addy, Zibbs.

  21. Wow - blog to consumer sales? Shit, when do you work? Seriously???

  22. I'd love to be a part of history. Just tell Uncle Sam to give me some of my $1300 back, and you've got yourself a deal!

  23. Susan - you mean some of you bloggers have jobs??

    Actually my friend McGlinch did the art and put it on Zazzle so did nothing except embed the link.

    Lilu - maybe you can forward the Charlene song from your blog to them and they'll count that as payment. If my calculations are correct that video is worth exactly $1300.

  24. And Gwen - I can't give you an apron, I'm giving you a dick in a box..

    OH JESUS I jsut ruined the surprise.

    And don't get scared. It wasn't going to be my dick, it was going to be a goat's dick. Wait, they have dicks right?

  25. Seriously, I love them, and since I have a little "shopping problem" I might just buy one!!

  26. I'm waiting on the TBY vibrator.

    I gots my batteries ready.


  27. Caffeine - I dare you.

    Sista - it's in the prototype stage.
