Thursday, May 28, 2009

Land of the Lost. MASH. Dick Van Dyke. Munsters. ALF.

Here's are various TV thoughts:

- I hated that Adam Lambert on American idol because he was trying too hard to look cool but he was on NPR yesterday and he sounded really great.

- I've never seen an entire episode of that Urkel show.

- Josie and the Pussy Cats (the cartoon) were hot.

- It pisses me off that they're making a Land of the Lost movie. The show was great because it was so cheesy. I know that they're using it just for the name but still. What's next? Sigmund and the Sea Monster?

- Bad casting: Loretta Swit in MASH. She was never hot.

- I used to love the Dick Van Dyke show when I was a kid. And I used to imitate the opening all the time for my sister.

- If I hear the theme to the Andy Griffith Show I'll be whistling it all day.

- I wonder if the Herman Munster character was intentionally played to sound gay? And why are the reruns never on?

- I don't care what you think, some of the things ALF would say cracked me up.

The end.


  1. I agree with you on ALL of that, except I HAVE seen an episode of "The Munsters" lately.

  2. Heff - how did you comment on this before it was published? Did I accidently publish it because it was in my edit area for the last hour.?

    I swear I've only had two drinks.

  3. Hot lips? Maybe they were referring to the ones below her waist, cause that bish was fugly. Then again, I guess it was slim pickins out there!

  4. Loretta Swit was horrible casting. Nothing hot about her.

    Josie and the Pussycats the cartoon were hot. But Daphne from Scooby Doo was my favorite cartoon broad.

  5. "Bad casting: Loretta Swit in MASH. She was never hot."

    Holy crap! I've been trying to tell people this for years. Why couldn't they get someone who was actually hot?

  6. The theme from the Andy Griffin show was the first thing I learned to whistle, ever.

  7. Ah, Sid & Marty Krofft. Proof that marinating in psychedelic drugs can produce some damn fine children's television programming.
    HR Puffenstuff, anyone?

  8. i loved Alf growing up!!!!

    yeah we got it in nigeria! lol.

  9. I grew up watching re-runs of MASH, Andy Griffiths (and yes that does stick in the brain). I loved Alf, that little furry guy was the best.

  10. I caught a Land of the Lost marathon on tv the other night. First time I ever saw it. It's like a car accident with's so bad you can't help but watch.

  11. Is it just me or did Loretta Swit look like a strung out tranny??

    Yeah, I'm with you but sorry to tell you..HUGE Adam Lambert fan.

  12. Candy - his expressions are too over the top for me. But I can see the appeal.

  13. I remember that Loretta woman and even as a 5 year old I didn't get the picture in what the hell she was doing down there ...
    Bad casting indeed ; who would have been better to take her place or even better yet ; if they'd make a Mash movie today, who would be hot and would we love to play the Hot Lips role (and don't say Jessica Simpson...)

  14. I read this post and wondered why you had a picture of Mike, Greg, and Cindy Brady without saying shit about them. Then I noticed that it wasn't them. Pretty tricky.

  15. Agreed - on everything, oh Wise One.

  16. I have watched A LOT of "Land of the Lost" over the past week, and one thing I have noticed is that, while the costumes and effects are cheesy (more so now then they were then), the main ideas and story of the Land of the Lost were pretty well thought out and brought to life. Especially for a cheap, Saturday-morning kids' show.

    There was thought put into the premise, into the history and culture of the Sleestak and Pakuni.

    Of course, all this goes to hell-in-a-handbasket in the third season. Ah well...

  17. It doesn't matter that Loretta Swit wasn't hot.

    When you're in the armed forces and you have 3 broads to choose from, ugly starts to look decent.

    This is also known as the 'last call effect.'

    By the way...watched a Land of the Lost rerun the other night...

    ...holy shitfuck that show sucked.

    What happened to Holly? I bet she's hot now. We should find out.

    I'll shut up now.

  18. Wings - I never heard anyone say that about Land of the Lost. Ever. Once they start playing them on TV to promote the movie I'll have to watch them with a closer eye.

    Mooog - Last call effect. I hear you.

  19. I actually watched an episode of ALF the other day - I really don't remember it being that funny! He's such a smart ass

  20. Land Of The Lost was my show to watch after freshman year in high school. I'd make myself a bowl of ramen noodles and watch it. Now when ever I slurp on ramen noodle soup, I think of sleet stack and weird glowing rocks, and that little girl with the braids.

    I'll probably only see the movie when it shows up on TNT, in a month or two.

  21. Actually, I just finished reading Alan Alda's memiors, "Never have your dog stuffed."

    It was good, a little too meandering but actors can be a self important lot.

    Ironically I have never seen Mash. or anything he has been in.

    Just a autobiography/memoir junkie.

    Read Richard Simmons memior too. THAT was a really good read. :)

  22. HIT THE BRAKES. Richard Simmons has a biography? I may have to read this.

  23. When I lived in L.A., Loretta Swit was pumping gas next to me in a gas station. She was even less hot in person. Ugh! Damn right I was obnoxiously staring...that's the kind of guy I am.

  24. Alf was under appreciated as a comedic actor.

  25. Jadedj - you should have said, "Yeah. Your lips aint so hot"

  26. The did a Land of the Lost marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel on Monday. Wow, that was awful. In a great way.

    The actress who played Holly is making a cameo in the film. Just thought y'all should know.

    Loretta Swit was never hot (or even as hot as Sally Kellerman who played Hot Lips in the film), but she was great on that show.

  27. oh ALF....I liked that little guy....he cracked me up...good time good times!!!!

  28. You know, maybe they called her Hot Lips, not because they thought she was hot (cause she wasn't), but because her mouth was busy blowin' everybody.

    Just a thought.

  29. Don't even diss Madame Glambert, he is all that and a bag of chips!

  30. I had a seriously weird obsession with ALF. I wanted to marry him and have his babies. I wish I were kidding.

  31. Red - At least the Josie and the Pussycats were a cartoon.

    A puppet?

    That's just sick.

  32. I don't need to tell you that Land of the Lost had an influence on me. I am just wondering why a modern remake has to look like it is so low budget. Maybe all the money went to Will Ferrell.

  33. Chaka - I'm just totally against the movie. It makes no sense.

  34. Oh my God, I can only hope that they make a Sigmund and the Sea Monsters movie. That would be the best thing since Alf went off the air.

  35. OMG, WendyB! A girl after my own heart! I LOVE Trapper John MD...totally had the hots for Gonzo. That is, until I was old enough & realized that I would never want to be w/ some dude who lived in an RV in the parking lot of a hospital. Even IF he was a doctor!

  36. WTCrud, I am now whistling the Andy Griffith tune. CRAP!

  37. 10-4 on the Loretta Swit. She isn't/wasn't even hot in a MILF way.


  38. Totally agree about Land of the Lost. It used to be one of my favorite shows...even though I didn't understand half of it. Will Ferrell in the remake pisses me off even more!

  39. We caught part of the original Land of the Lost the other night - can you believe the friggin scenery on that show??? We couldn't stop laughing at how we used to watch it relentlessly!

  40. Susan - it was pretty lame. I haven't seen a full episode of Land of the Lost in ages.
