Friday, June 26, 2009

Bombchell Blogger and Farrah... and Charlie's Angels Theme.

Now here is someone that is just really smokin' hot...I give you Bombchell in Atlanta. Go check out her blog.

Damn girl!

You can also follow her on Twitter: @AtlBombchell

And speaking of good looking, here's the Friday (non Michael Jackson) send off song. With different music. RIP Farrah.

You will be remembered at our dart night as your poster hangs right below the dart board.


  1. And by damn I mean ddddyyyyaaaaammmm!

  2. Hey! Don't start dreaming about other bloggers. I'll get jealous.

  3. I was waiting for the charlies angles music@!! I feel ripped off.

  4. WendyB - don't worrry - there's enough love to go around.

    Hit40 - note in the begining it says, "can't play music because it's copyrighted" but then he goes and plays video and other music that I'm sure is copyrighted.

  5. ..and WendyB - if you look on her blog you'll see that she has style in clothing - just like you.

  6. and by over, I mean i love you more now that you are hard to get.

  7. I am so sad about Farrah- sniff. sniff.

  8. Thank you for this! Farrah got lost in the shuffle.

  9. Yes, in a largely text-driven medium I can see why you'd enthuse about bloggers you think are hot, that makes perfect sense. Of course, if everyone did that would you have followers?

  10. Mr London Street - I guess then I would only have....uh.....

    ...good looking followers?..
