Friday, June 12, 2009

George Thorogood. Bourbon Scotch Beer. Great Party Song.

George Thorogood grew up about 30 miles from here. I never met him but One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer was a regular song that we'd pop into the car cassette player back in the day.

And it's today's Friday Send Off Song - dedicated to The Devil's Daughter in Law and Former Fat Chick. Thanks for commenting on TBY.

Is anyone a fan of this song or these blogging gals? Go ahead - tell me your answer in the comments region. Don't be afraid.

244 followers and they tells me it's a growin'.


  1. Love that song! I tried one night to drink as many drinks as George sings about. I'd love to tell you the story...but don't remember. I guess I was lots of fun, though!
    Not only do I love the song, but Former Fat Girl ain't half bad, either!

    huhhuh...your word verification is jarlible...don't know why that's funny, but it is to me!

  2. FYI - that's a John Lee Hooker song. George and the Delaware Destroyers were just covering it. Great. Great. Great. Song.

  3. Sam - I always wanted to order that selection but never did.

    Earl - It wasn't until after high school that I realized that most of his hits were not originals.

    Oh well. Still great versions.

  4. Lonesome George rocks, and puts on one hell of a show.

  5. There once were these three girls I knew who sang this song loudly while pouring down flaming shots. Wonder where they are now? Probably combusted.

  6. I had it on a cassette tape I made for the car. Put it on the start of the "B" side. Sometimes I would fastforward to the start of the "B" side, and then try to make it to whereever I was going before the song ended.

  7. When I was living in New Hope, we used to hang out with George. He's a really nice guy. All he played was cover songs, we couldn't believe it when he made it to American Bandstand. Those were the days of House of Assembly, the Frogs, Castle Browne, Flamin Harry. When they were finished playing, we'd all go to the Bowman Inn for after hours music and dancing till the wee hours. God, people were awfully tolerant of us back then.

  8. This was by far my favorite of his. I think it's appeal is that is so farking fun to sing along with. Or drink along with, if you're not the singing type.

  9. I do like this tune but I have to say if I ever hear "Bad To The Bone" again it will be to soon. That one is right up there with anything from ZZ Top's "Eliminator" album for me. God, just let it rest.


  10. I totally love that song. Still! And did I ACTUALLY really think he was hot when I was like 13????

    Holy shit.

  11. Thank you for the shout-out. My husband is a fan of this song, and without fail, whenever we hear it will relate to me that George Thorogood once killed a man. I don't even know if that's true, but my husband is also a fan of me.

    And this avatar of mine is my pride and joy. Thank you for the shout-out.

  12. I said thank you for the shout out twice on purpose, I promise. Because I'm so grateful. Not because I'm retarded.

  13. Diane - that's pretty cool. And I bet living in New Hope was great.

    Devil's Daughter in Law - you are welcome.

  14. I got to jam with Lonesome George at the Cabret on Matlack St. in West Chester when I was just a wee-boy.

  15. I enjoy the song. I'll have to check out the bloggers and get back to you...

  16. Son of A - would love to see a video of that. Too bad video cameras weren't really around back then.

  17. Thanks so much for that shout out! I love that song, I have a hangover so bad today that even hearing about booze makes me almost HURL! Vodka- Red Bull is SO EVIL!

  18. Former Fat Chick - you are welcome.
