Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hey! I Found Grandpa's Blog and Tweets! Future of 2.0.

Could you imagine if blogging and Twittering was around in the 1800's?

And could you imagine if you found my blog and tweets and you were my great grandson/daughter?


As it stands now, I'm pretty much addicted to blogging. And the Twittering is even worse because I can do it from my Blackberry. Even though Twitter is far inferior to the blog.

But I think about in the future, when people look back on my online content. My grandchildren. Will they fight over the rights to it? Will they try to divide it up?..... "I get all the videos?? ..."I get all the stuff that mentions freaks!!

Friggin' ingrates.

Then they'll be licensing it out. Putting it on every crappy futuristic product.....robots probably covered with my witty packs all bumper stickered up with my classic Tweets...Like this one:

"This is my first Tweet from the tub..what's next?.. from the moon? Note to self: call NASA"

It's final. I need to draw up some documents.


  1. Hello?

    Is this thing on?

    Great. I probably offended people that are into robits.

  2. If your Tweets are as worthless as everyone elses that bothers with it (and I'm sure they are), I wouldn't put too much time into drawing up legal documents.

    Yeah, I'm a BIG fan of Twitter.

  3. Too funny, I was just having this conversation yesterday about my blog.

    Will my kid read it one day? Will her kids read it? And their kids?

    What will they think of great-granny Cora the Explora who animated cartoon pictures of her own boobs online for all to see and told a tale of flashing her the beav to the neighbors all in the same week? Proud? Embarrassed? Indifferent?

    Let's find out.

  4. I have some REALLY good stuff coming out of my brain on Twitter so I also might have to draw up some papers, cause FOR SURE i'm going to be famous...

  5. I never even thought about my future generations looking at my mindless drivel. Oh well. I'm not leaving them any money - they can have the blog.

  6. You are sitting on a gold mine here. I would hire some legal experts to protect it for you. I still haven't been able to make the switch to twitter. I'm too old school.

  7. Chaka - I'm old school too but I loves me the Twitter.

  8. See...note the modern expression, "loves me"

    ....see what I did there.

  9. I calls dibs on the retard button that Fal and I made for you. It was my idea, therefore my intellectual property.

  10. Awww Gwen - the retard button. I read that, laughed and got a bit teary eyed.

    That's when my blog first started getting popular and I got to know you guys.

  11. That's hilarious, we no longer need to ask what we want to be remembered for-- it's ALL there.

  12. Ha ha! The kids may have dibs on the Tweets, but I'm looking forward to all the stretched and sagging tattoos in the old folks home.

  13. Hope my grand-grand children will see me as the coolest great-great grandma EVER !
    I can hear them already :
    "wow, wasn't she fierce when she wrote those tweets"

    Series will follow ; Sex And The Cyberspace, the Tweetyears...
    Oh well, wake up D. get serious ! (talkin' to myself here)

  14. Have you thought about the possibility that our grandchildren's technology won't be compatible with what we are doing now? Kind of like trying to find a projector for our grandparent's old slides. My deepness is scaring me.
