Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dude in Wolf pelt/hat is totally kickass. You know you want it.

So yesterday a Twitter guy named @higgimonster sent me this great photo of this dude wearing this wolf hat.

You know you ladies want him and you dudes want to be him. Don't lie. It's not just the kickass wolf pelt. Look at the belt buckle and the necklace. He's got it all goin' on..

And wearing jeans to a lake? man's got some confidence!

What do you think is kickass about him?


  1. ..and what is that dude in the background doing? Pretending to tie his shoe so can get in the picture?


  2. I don't know what's kick-ass about him but check out those pelt bikinis. It's all about style.

  3. Thats some high quality, sort of oddly shaped, trim right there. That "I'm a lone wolf" line only works for so long though Mad-Dog...

  4. Son of T - that's not a bikini...that the way that they use to look back in the...

    (looks closer at picture)

    ..oh nevermind.

  5. There better damn well be a mullet under that dog head, or the whole thing loses all credibility.

  6. Wow, I thought the fur bikini was just an invention of seventies barbarian painters, but here's the actual deal.

    Maybe this isn't a wolf pelt, but rather an actual wolf that this guy is wearing.

  7. This is from the 70's right? I hope this is from the past. Maybe he'd like your wolf shirt to complete te ensemble

  8. Lost In Space - I'm sure my man never wears a shirt.

  9. wow he is a fox!!

    How big are those womens fanny's? They sure are needing a LOT of material to cover them

  10. That actually scares me... not gonna lie...

  11. I'm sure it does scare you Shelle...scares you that you might cheat on your husband.

  12. I don’t think that’s a wolf pelt on his head. I think he’s actually half man and half TOTALLY F*CKING AWESOME!

  13. That dude is Legen(wait for it)dary!

  14. I bet he's just as freaking awesome today. Think about it? How couldn't he be?

  15. You want to know what's kickass about him? His Burt Reynolds mustache. Yep. And the delightful way he's sucking in his gut to show us all his great ribcage. Not a six-pack, but kickass nonetheless.

  16. "What do you think is kickass about him?" Answer: the two leather-crotched "babes" his arm pits are growing.

  17. What, were all the 'coons extinct in his 'hood? Bizarre.

  18. Like the 'douch bags' label! Ha ha ha!

  19. omg I seriously think i dated him that summer in Virginia Beach.


  20. How could you not mention the 'stache?
    That dude is sexy.
    For a cooter.

  21. Yeah that stache has it going on too.

  22. I can't look at him... the chick on his left (or my left) has the biggest snatch patch of a bikini... I'm thinking bush central down there???


  23. What I think is kickass is that they can apparently go without eating for months and still stand upright...oh wait, they're holding the dude up! The chick on my left needs a hot fudge sundae.

  24. The dude in the background is trying to start the whole photobomb craze by mooning the camera, but he's not very good at it, yet.

  25. I WANT THAT HAT!!!! Now please, I need to get it.

  26. So, just to be clear:

    Wolf T-shirt with American flag = Hillbilly.

    Roadkill Wolf Pelt worn as a cowl/cape = Cool.

    Got it.

  27. a. The Porn Stache is totally turning me on!

    b. Now I know who stole my fur bikin with the feathers! That bitch on the right!

    c. You know he is wearing a Shark Tooth necklace, he kick ass in the water as well!

    d. This isn't from the 70's

    1. the sunglasses look to modern
    2. the BABE on the left has a pierced belly button!

    e. I am even more disturbed than before

  28. Man oh man...that is one smokin' fella. Gotta me some of that.

  29. Former Fat Chick - I don't think that's a belly button ring. I think it's a deformity.

  30. Way to post a picture of yourself without anyone really knowing! No one could be that awesome but you!

  31. Personally, I think the chick on the right is kickass.

  32. You notice how the girl on the left has the tallest swimsuit bottom ever! You must have a really long crotchal area (yeah, I can't remember what that area is called right now)
