Friday, August 14, 2009

This Is Totally Something That Would Happen To Me. Flying.

I used to fly all the time. I always got stuck next to dudes or old ladies it seemed.

There was one time though that I got seated next to this hot chick. I was talking to her for a while and it turns out that the rowing competition she was going to wasn't for a college. She was in some private school on the Main Line. Private HIGH SCHOOL.

And to top it off, her coach was sitting right next to her. Shouldn't these young girls be required to wear stickers on their shirts that reveal their age?


Here's something that I could totally see getting busted for on a plane:


  1. Rowing, huh? Bet she had great shoulders, heh, heh.

  2. 1. BUSTED!!
    2. "You were snoring" HAHA.

  3. i never get anyone cute sitting next to me on the train, either... its always some fat old businesman with b.o.

  4. I agree with Slyde. Those situations don't really exist.

  5. Yeah. Why don't the hot chicks ever sit next to me?

    Wait a minute....

  6. ..And Lazy King - Welcome to my blog.

  7. Ha! Sucker! Last time I flew I sat next to a really HOT chick and we talked about our bras! So there!


  8. The last time I flew, I sat next to a 20-something Russian chick who was (even though I don't swing that way) awesomely pretty...long, light blonde hair, green eyes, peaches and cream complexion, sweet smile, very friendly, with a sexy voice and accent.

    Don't you wish you were me that day? ; )

  9. I always get seated next to somebody who resembles the Michelin man...

  10. I sit next to decent people. I sleep so it doesn't matter too much plus I always fly business class so that helps

  11. i always sit by a fat dude in an ill-fitting suit who uses all the armrests and breathes loudly

  12. Hahahahahaha, have to keep that in mind but if anyone would try to pull off that with me, he would have a run for his money ! Could be that I'm puking in a bag the next 3 seconds instead of snoring ...

    PS missed your great blogs btw ; glad to be back !

  13. Hahaha, I love this! I actually understood what he said without the sub titles, because I speak french. Does that "up" my hot factor?

  14. I think hot people have their own private airline.

  15. When I fly first class it seems like I always sit next to interesting people who are polite and frequently witty.

    When I fly coach I get stuck next to screaming children without fail.

  16. Prunella - was that YOU I was sitting next to?

  17. I always used to wish I would be seated next to a really good looking older guy when I would fly 6-8x a year.

    Instead. I almost always got stuck to next to the creepy old guys who swore I must be in college... but uuuhhhh... I'm sure it wasn't you, Doc ;)

    Another hot chick would occasionally sit next to me and that would always end up in one of those mile high topless pillowfights ;)

  18. I'm waiting for the hot guy to sit next to me and try to strike up a conversation. That would be the BEST. But then I'd wake up and really be stuck between 2 extra-large people. Ya, that's fun!

  19. It has been so long since I've flown without kids. Do people actually do that sort of thing on planes?

  20. @Diane, we could do a gossip blog just in French !! LOL
    What's the name of that French actress again in this clip...still thinking and it's on the tip of my tongue ...
    ..Si tu trouves son nom, dit le moi via un email, d'accord ?? Bisous, D.

  21. I'm sorry but there will be no French spoken on this blog.

  22. I've flown so much for business over the years, I have met some interesting and entertaining people. However, if there's ever a really large person lumbering their way down the aisle, they usually have the seat next to mine.

  23. The Peach Tart - Same here. Whenever an undesirable is coming down the aisle I usually pretend I'm involved with something and I try to look like I'm pissed off.
