Friday, November 13, 2009

They Call Me The Hit Maker. Lilly Allen F You.

They calls me the hit make because I'm so great at creating hits.

Well, not creating them. More like finding them. And here's a super catchy song by Lily Allen called F**K You. (Do you know what goes between the "F" and "K"? Yup. It's a dirty word).

But I've got to tell you, this Lily Allen is adorable and sure does write some catchy songs.

And I haven't had a Friday Send Off Song in ages so I dedicate this song to: Miss H, JenJen, Diane and Mrs Holly Hall. Go check out their blogs and tell them Zibb sent ye'.

And what do you think about this song?

(REVISED COMMENT: Note that I'm not saying F You to any of the bloggers that I dedicated this to. That is all)


  1. And I just realized that the begining piano bit is REALLY close to the Carpenters song Why Do Birds Fall in know that song.

  2. That's quite the, um, send-off song. Did Miss H, JenJen, Diane and Mrs Holly Hall do something to piss you off?

  3. Frank Irwin - no. I should have mentioned that I didn't mean to tell THEM to F**K off.

  4. SkylersDad - isn't she though? Super sexy.

  5. Wow. Can't say my feelings aren't hurt. Jeez.

    What the hell dude? Is this some sort of joke or did I really do something here. gah.

    ok then, maybe you can take my name off the list you are dedicating this song too. Message received I guess.


  6. Mrs Holly Hall - the song has NOTHING to do with the dedication. I used to do Friday Send off songs all the time. Didn't realize people would mean that the title meant anything.

  7. You little sweetie pie you! Thanks so much for such a great send off song, I know it well (LOVE Lily Allen).
    How cool of you to come over to my place and warn me about the title.
    Have I told you lately how much I love you, and also that you seriously do not resemble Rodney Dangerfield (in my dreams). xo :)

  8. I love Lily though she is completely mad.

    Also, this entire album is really, really good.

  9. ha ha, I like it, I love Lily, I'm quite honoured. I'm guessing you're being ironic here with your song title choice? I thought you yanks couldn't do irony?

    I still love you x

  10. Red - I agree. I need to get the album now.

  11. Fuck you too Zibbs!


    thanks for the shout, hon. Apparently my post made you...randy.


  12. Jen Jen - Ohhh behaaaave.

    (That's my imitation from this movie called Austin Powers)

  13. First off, thanks for explaining things. Secondly, still stung like a mofo when I was listening to the lyrics thinking that was actually dedicated to me. Cause even though I had no idea what the hell, it felt real and it sucked ass. Thirdly, a joke isn't funny if you have to explain it. SO

    Let's just remove my name from the list. THEN we can pretend it never happened.

    Easy peasey lemon squeezy.

  14. I saw her gig about 3 weeks ago here in Antwerp and being so young, she has an ok voice (she sang live) Everyone knew all of her songs and the F*** Y** song was the final ; everyone was singing along with her !!
    Crazy feeling !!
    If you can, you must see her perform ...
    Highly recommended.
