Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Questions About People That Wear The Taz Jacket. Nicknaming Yourself.

There are just so many questions I have about people that wear a Warner Brothers Tazmanian Devil jacket like the one pictured above. Here are a few:

- Do they get the Taz jacket first and THEN nickname themselves Taz? Or is it an all out, Taz blitz with self nicknaming themselves Taz and the jacket is merely a reinforcement of the name?

- Did they see someone wearing a Taz jacket and that inspired them to buy one. "Man, look at that dude all Tazed out and shit. That's gonna be me someday."

- Have friendships ever been lost because one guy was wearing the Taz jacket and then a friend put Taz mud flaps on his truck? "No fucking way. Take em off! First the mud flaps, then you'll get a Taz shirt then you'll want a Taz jacket! That's MY thing!" (fight breaks out - after Taz jacket removed).

- Do they ever call places that store mink coats in the off season for pricing? Just in case.

- When it's cold out do they ever say, "It's cold as shit out here. I better go get my Taz."

- Do they ever go to a party and the host asks for their coat and they refuse to give it up? "Uh..I don't think so. If this coat goes in a pile on your bed and it walks? There's gonna be a situation. I think I'll just hold it."

- When they first get the Taz jacket and they're going to their local hangout, do they ask a friend, "Would you mind going in and looking around to see the reaction I'm getting from people when I come in the door? Maybe you can say, 'I wonder if Taz is showing up' or something and when they're like 'Who the hell is Taz?' I'll strut my ass in, frame myself in the doorway for a few seconds then walk to my bar stool. Beginning my new life as 'Taz - the dude that wears that Taz jacket.'"

What questions do you have?

And note that the inspiration for this post came from this blog post. I was cracking up in bed as I was thinking about Alice's encounter with a Loony Tunes jacket wearing dude.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Christ I can't type today...

    I was going to ask do people still wear those jackets but then I read the other blog. Oh. Dear. God.

    Do you think friends of a person who would own such a jacket contemplate having an intervention regarding the obsession with the Taz jacket? That's assuming this person has friends. I'm probably reaching.

  4. Stacy why did you remove your comments? Do YOU own a Taz jacket? Hmm?

  5. ...I do have a bit of a fear now that I'll meet someone at a Tweet Up and they'll have a Taz jacket and I'll have to back pedal:

    "No. I was just kidding. (Feels fabric). This is acually nicer then I pictured. I don't know what I was talking about in that post."

  6. LOL first post forgot a word. Second post had a spelling error. I'm anal retentive. And a closet Taz jacket lover - SAY WHAT?

  7. Note to self - must find leather Taz jacket and go to Tweet Up...

    I DO still have a Hard Rock Cafe jean jacket. For some reason, I just don't have the heart to get rid of it even though I will never, ever wear it.

  8. Were ALF jackets ever popular? If so, did you have one?

    Yosemite Sam would be more manly on the back of a bomber jacket. Your comment on mudflaps made me think of that. Just an idea for those in product development (you're welcome).

  9. Stacey - I bet you can rent a Taz jacket.

    Not really.

    (note to self: write business plan for a Taz jacket rental company. "Rent a Taz". Tagline: "Dreams CAN be rented")

  10. Stop! I'm dying! hahahahaha Zibbs, WE should have a joint blog! Betsy hasn't posted anything on our supposed collaborative effort so far. hahaha

    Anyway, I FOUND IT!!! haha This is exactly what it looked like.

    It is, in a word, horrific. I wish I had a pic. It was truly epic. The sad part is, I meet people like that all the time. That's why I'm 31 and still single. haha

    Anyway the part about the friend going into the bar first and then framing themselves in the doorway...HAHA CLASSIC.

    I love this post.

  11. This is exactly why Disco Stu does not advertise.

  12. Kristen - if there is an ALF jacket I will buy it and wear it in the privacy of my own home.

    My dear Alice - I've used the 'framing myself in a doorway" line before but refering to what I do. Of course I'm not wearing a Taz jacket but you know.

    And if you love this post you may like my questions about Carnie hotels. Will Tweet the link.

  13. jesus christ, carnies scare the hell out me. send it over.

  14. I work in Celebration, Fl, the town built by Disney...everyone here is a Diney FREAK, grown ass, fat bellied MED walking around with a Mickey Shirt, Mickey Jacket and Disney lic. creppy!

  15. I would pay money to see someone where a Fraggle Rock Jacket...remember those guys??? But they would have to be punk...with crazy colored hair and spikes and stuff. Nick name could be Frag...or Fraggle for those not as lazy.

    I think it's the suggestion that they decide they need a nickname, call themselves Taz, and then go all out like the Taz-manian Devil himself!

    Just sayin...

  16. Need to follow as not to miss anything...

  17. that was suppose to be WEAR not WHERE a Fraggle rock Jacket... GAH!

    Your Word Verifier says, "Agratore" like it was trying to say Avatar except in Taz code :)

  18. Former Fat - You work in Celebration FLA? You could have a blog just with pictures of those people.

    Shelle - I'm not sure Fraggle Rock jacket exists. Would love to see one.

  19. Am I really living in a world where these sell?

  20. Aw fuck.

    Who the hell spoiled your christmas gift, from me to you, zibbsy??


  21. hey Al, I will start soon I promise. Zibbs, you know the dudes that wear that Taz jacket definitely have the Taz tattoo on their calf...can't forget how awesome that is! I feel like I know quite a few guys like that myself. It's what happens when you grow up on the border of Drexel Hill and Upper Darby

  22. Fraggle Rock!! HAHAHA Any Always Sunny fans here?? "Pepper Jack LOVE Fraggle Rock!"

  23. I once had a Marvin the Martian jacket. When I was like 18 and stoooooooopid.

    I don't know what would possess a grown person to wear such a thing. It is one of life's great mysteries. I mean, surely, they get beat up frequently because of it, right?

  24. A "Taz" jacket is announcing, "I think I'm minor league cool."

    How do I know?

    "Talk to the 8-Ball," he says, pointing to the 8-Ball on the back of his multi-colored leather jacket with his thumb.

  25. Cora -I'm ashamed.

    Scope - if I turn this post into a TV show I'll include that.

  26. My ex has a Taz tattoo. He's biting into a "peace" symbol and it's crumbling.

    Nuff said.
