Saturday, December 12, 2009

Scary and Creepy Santa Jamboree! Ho, Ho, Kill? Christmas Nightmares.

Here's a nice collection of creepy and scary Santas to haunt your dreams. Which is your favorite?

"Cindy. Now I told you. Don't talk. Just look at the camera and I might return you to your family. IF...they're still alive."

(In robot voice) "MUST KILL!"

There's something very fishy about that glove.

Do you know why there's a "no face here" sign? Because she actually has no face. Damn you Santa! How could you?!

"I am your honorable Santa. You will be very pleased with the various fine clothing products I shall bring that are made from the finest silks from far away lands".

Yeah right. What Santa holds a staff like that? Look at the dainty finger positioning. You know he's about to break into song and dance.


  1. Betty Draper looks like she's about to experience Alegría Natural in that last one. Let's keep the staff out of this.

  2. Don't talk about how Santa holds his staff, that's gross.

  3. Chris - gross? Take another look at that picture.

  4. LostInSpace - never! You need to come to a Tweet up to meet me.

    P.S. Bring gifts.

  5. Dear Zibbs,
    You are deranged.

  6. Definitely #2 is my "favorite" wtf is going on there??

  7. Peggy - mine too. He reminds me of someone that was in a fire.

  8. You know he's about to break into song and dance.

    Either that, or plunge a knife in her back, while whispering something about sugar plums.

  9. Sorry it took me so long to get here.
    These are all great! I can't decide which one I like the best. I wish I had thought of this first.
    Happy Holidays. xo d

  10. Definitely number 2. It's a Mike Meyers Christmas.....all you need is Jamie Lee Curtis sitting in his lap. Smart move with the red suit....serves as camouflage for all the blood.

  11. :-O O O

    The last image ; she can't decide weither to put the candle were the sun doesn't shine or just smack him in the the look of his lips, she was the 3rd model posing for this album cover ...

  12. Dominica - I think people are intrigued by that last image.

  13. A most bizarre ritual. One that makes child developmentalists cringe.

    I didn't subject my kids to this often. And if they flinched? No problem. Off we go. I'm not into kiddie-torture.

  14. My favorite Santa here is second from the bottom. But the Sexiest Santa award definitely goes to the last one.

    Maybe all your recent nightmares are caused by these Santas. Did you ever think about that?

  15. PHD - it is a weird thing isn't? I bet someday we'll kids will just view him behind a glass window.

    Kristen - Good theory about the dreams.

  16. I'm going to have nightmares about that second one. eek. He's definitelya murderer.

  17. A and B - if I could find that second one at a garage sale I swear I'd wear it around all season.

  18. A and B - if I could find that second one at a garage sale I swear I'd wear it around all season.

  19. you can say that again. LOL

    Agreed. Especially at night in the dark, just to be creepy.
