Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Bet Little Darlings Was One Of Your Favorite Movies. Kristy McNichol.

Here's a clip from the 1980 movie Little Darlings with Kristy McNichol and Matt Dillon.

What a rash.

I used to have a crush on Kristy McNichol* but now I look at her and she isn't even that cute.

And look at how they have identical hair. Oh brother.

*Fun Fact: I used to hook up with this chick in college that looked just like her.


  1. I hereby declare this dialogue the worst in film history.

  2. trying to type with wet nail polish.

    luckily, not too much to say.


  3. Dialogue that only a 7th grader could love.
    "Randy. But don't let the name fool ya." WTF does that mean? He never gets randy? Or that Randy is such a wussy name and he's not?
    Nice harmonica.

  4. All I know, if she told me to not be fooled by the name, I'd be all.."Prove it"

  5. I do remember that. All the brain cells I killed and that one lives on?

  6. still as cringeworthy as ever...
    I still heart Matt Dillon
    but don't tell Leif Garrett
    Where's my Tiger Beat?

    Peace ~ Rene

    I think the heart-throbs of our generation can beat the piss out of today's heart-throbs.

    Oh, wait...they're old and might just piss themselves.

    Still that'd be a cool Battle Of The Network Stars kind of thing to see

  7. Not the R's - awww. Battle of the Network Stars. Classic.

  8. McNichols brings back some unpleasant clinical memories (even stalkers need TLC) but I did like the flashback to Matt Dillon. He's the real thing.

  9. Matt Dillon's hair is too much for me to handle. I couldn't get past it.

  10. I used to get mistaken for her all the time, especially when I was out skateboarding. Then later, she turned into a psychotic and no one would hire her.

  11. They could be twins.

    Ewww, I'm not going to chew a stranger's gum. Wait, I wouldn't even chew my mother's chewing gum. Maybe I have a saliva phobia?
    Um, come to think of it... maybe not.

  12. I have to admit, some people said she and I looked alike. I remember I was really insulted.

    Matt Dylan had aged really well though. He's hot.

  13. You're drunk. haha

    Was that little Cindy Brady??

  14. I am not!

    And how the hell can you think that's Cindy Brady? That's gotta be some kind of racism toward little girls with curls.

  15. "racism towards little girls"???? HAHAHA I don't even know what to say to that. rofl!
