Sunday, January 17, 2010

Magic, Dummies and Anthony Hopkins? Who Knew?

Remember that movie Magic? With the ventriloquist dummy?

I saw it years ago but forget if it was good or not. And watching this clip I just realized that Anthony Hopkins in the main character. Hmmm.

Check it out:

And why are so many people afraid of ventriloquist dummies. Or "figures" as they're often called in the trade. I used to have one when I was a kid so I would know.

Also, If I ever become a serial killer I think a great trademark would be to leave a dummy at the scene of every murder. What would yours be?


  1. This movie trailer scared the hell out of me when I was a kid and I never could look at my v-dummy the same way.

    If I were a serial killer I would leave what else....cereal. Probably Count Chocula and they could call me Count Chop-ula.

    I worked too hard on this.

  2. I wonder how many pieces of gauze they had to put over the camera lens to make Ann Margaret look 17 in the high school flashback scene?
    I couldn't stand Anthony Hopkins in this. How anybody thought he'd make a charming killer type is beyond me.
    Can you tell that this movie p*ssed me off?

  3. I have a billy baloney dummy. It is kind of scary looking, but the Magic dummy is the most disturbing ever. I don't remember much about that movie, will have to watch it again some time.

  4. Son of A - Did you work it out on paper?

    Diane - Now I really need to see this again.

    Kristen - my dummy's name was Danny O'Day.

  5. I think I might leave some chips. You can't have just one.

  6. I have a v dummy, his name is Morty "Bonedigger" Washington...don't ask.

  7. I would leave a business card with my name and home address on it, and some photos of me carrying out the act so I would get the kudos.

    Let the terror commence!

  8. I would leave a dead body at the scene of every murder.


  9. I would write "Google This: That Blue Yak" at the crime scene.


  10. I would leave behind a picture of Dr. Banana StabbyPants.
