Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Are They Laughing At Me? Dirty Car? I Hope. Paranoid.

If you were the girls that were just laughing at me in King of Prussia, PA - What was so funny?

You were in your car and I was in mine. I saw you looking over and I thought maybe you were checking me out or something. But then you guys were laughing. What was so funny?

Is it because my car is so dirty? Do I look like a someone that you were just talking about and your friend said, "And there he is now" so you both looked over and I look kind of like him so you started laughing?

Or maybe you think I look like a celebrity or something? Is something on my back or something? Seriously? Why were you laughing at me??

Now I'm going to have to dwell on this the rest of the day.


  1. Wait, you weren't air guitaring all dorky, white boy style, were you?

  2. Carnie- haha.No I wasn't air guitaring.

    And for the record, in the last post I was just imagining air guitaring to annoy that lady.

  3. Carnie - it IS good to know because I really don't want to be known as an air guitarist.

  4. They were laughing...because they know. We all know.


  5. They were just laughing and giggling because that's what teenage girls do, to entertain themselves! I would know because I was one, and thought it was real cool to try and get people's attention and then laugh at them, its a control thing. Recently while going to see Avatar for a second time, I set down and then two giggling teenage girls sat down in front of me. When your brother came in we decided to move in front of them, he assured me that would stop once the trailers ended... When the movie was about to begin and they were still all giggles, he turned around and got all high school teacher on them. It was great, they quaked in their boots. So I was once one of them, now I feel annoyed by their self-delusional superiority. Isn't life grand and circuitous.

  6. You mean his diatribe...
    It was great! He was stern and clear. He was like, "Ladies you are no longer at home, we are all here to enjoy the movie and are doing so in public, We, just like you all paid money to do so, so kindly sit back and be respectful to those surrounding you, don't waste our money with your noise."
    This is a summary, but he was actually much more eloquent and cutting, don't yah know!

  7. You might have had a piece of bagel and cream cheese stuck to your face. Ewwwww. Day old bagel and cream cheese. Nevermind, that's just stupid.

  8. All girls laugh at hot men they know they can't have.

    At least I tell myself that to keep from crying.

  9. MHawf - please record him doing a rerun of it.

    Moooog - that has to be it.

  10. Kate - I used to be REALLY paranoid. Now I'm not as bad.
